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Currently, right now, me and Brady are in the library working on math. I literally hate math so much that I don't understand it. (felt that✊🏽)

"We need to take a break we've done too much work," I say as Brady laughs. "You've only done one question," he tells me. " I know that's a lot of work," I say.

I close my books and put my head down for a minute before Brady tells me to start working again.

"Why can't you do all the work? I don't understand," I groan. "Because that's too much," he says.

I roll my eyes and open my book "y=4(5)+b," I read out loud. "Yea, I'm done again," I say.

Bradys keeps my books open and says "no your not."I start to get up before Brady grabs my waist.

He yanks me down. It's not rough, but he pulls me to sit back down. He puts his hand on my thigh so I won't move.

Damn his grip is strong...

He goes to my ear and says, "You will not leave this chair until you're done." I look at him weirdly. He's never been like this before.

I immediately turn back to finish my work as he helps me with it.

Time skip

I finish my and show Brady as I try to run out of the library to go home. He grabs me again before he leaves.

He checks my work and suprisly I got them right. I was finally able to get up. I grab my stuff and walk with Brady out of the library to his car.

We get and start it. After driving for a while, he puts his hand on my leg.

We get to his house and go inside. We get ready for bed. That's when he tells me that we're gonna study next week too.

I look at before I choose to go to sleep. Hopefully, he forgets by next week.

I kinda rush this, but I hope it's good. Should I make a part 2 or no??

Love yall💗💗😘

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