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I was lying in bed holding my stomach. I started my period a day ago, and the cramps were getting to me.

I grabbed my phone to text Brady.


babyyy, can you come over I getting bad cramps rn

ofc Love, I'm on my way w snacks rn

Brady POV

Y/n texted me that she's getting bad cramps. I guessed that she had stared her period.

I went to the store to get her favorite snacks and candy.

The line was really long, so after I was checked out, I started my car immediately and rushed to y/n house.

Time skip


I was lying in bed for Brady. He texted me, telling me how the line was long and he was on his way now.

I prayed to God that he would just spawn or something. I needed him so badly.

I closed my eyes to make it go faster and suprisly it worked. I heard my door open.

I looked up to see Brady with open arms. "Hii baby, are you feeling alright.

"yea it's just my cramps. can you get me a heating pad, please?" I say, grabbing the bag out his hands.

"Of course baby, let me go," he tells me, walking off.

I made some room for him and took the stuff out of the bag. I then put on our favorite movie Scream and lay back to wait for Brady.

He came back with ibuprofen and a heating pad and a water.

"Here baby, this will help." I take the stuff out his hand and take the medicine.

I lay back down so Brady can get in.

"Scream?" He asks. I only shook my head, yes.

I leaned back into his chest and started the movie. He started to stroke my hair, which made me eventually doze off to sleep.

"I love you, baby" is the last thing I hear Brady say.

bro, this sucks... but it's okay😛
I think that's really all I have to say, but please vote and comment anyways

love yall💗💗❤️

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