05. History

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Tzuyu sighs as she faces the woman who has her arms crossed and is staring at her with a questionable look. "What is it this time, Unnie? I went there for Jeongyeon Oppa. Not for you."

Jennie just continued zeroing her eyes on the other girl. They are both at the end of the hallways and if this is an interrogation, the younger Yoo certainly looks cornered right now.

The vet doctor sighs again. She clicks her tongue and drops her sight down to the floor. "If you're not going to speak then I will just go—"

"Go out with me."

"What— Unnie! I already said a million times no."

Jennie firmly answers her. "Then I will ask you a million times more. Go out with me."

"Argh." Tzuyu grits her teeth and glares at the determined girl in front of her. "Why can't you understand, Unnie? I don't have time for this. I don't have time for you."

"Then I will wait until you have time for me."

"Oh, my—" The vet doctor ruffles her hair in annoyance. "I can't take this anymore. I'll go back now to Oppa—"

"Don't go."

Tzuyu abruptly halts her actions at the whisper she absolutely heard. She slowly guides her eyes back to Jennie, finding the older girl's sincere expression.

There was then silence for a moment as the two of them held each other's gaze.

Tzuyu's face softened for a brief couple of seconds but she immediately looked down, shook her head a little, and changed back to her stoic expression before speaking again. "If— if I don't go back, what else are we going to do here? If you're just going to ask me to go on a date with you, I'm telling you, the answer won't change. I will never go out with you."

"Only with me?"

"You also know the answer to that."

Jennie's loud sigh was heard. "Because of that reason you told me before? That you won't fall in love with anyone else ever again?"

The younger girl simply nods.

"Tzuyu..." Jennie's tone is very soft, almost pleading. "I don't know what to do with this feeling. If only you would give me a chance, I promise to make your time worth it. Just— just one time. Hmm? Jebal."

"I— I don't— Unnie, please." The younger girl bites her lower lip and stops for a moment. "You're making it difficult for the two of us."

"But... why? Why did you close your heart when it was me who wanted to go in?"

"I didn't close it when it was you. It was—" Tzuyu pauses for a second as if choosing the right words to utter. "It was closed a long time ago."

Jennie sighs and looks away from where the younger girl is. "You fell in love in the past right?"


"How many times?"

Tzuyu blinks and glances at the older girl in wonder. "Huh?"

"Just—" Jennie clicks her tongue and faces the vet doctor again but Tzuyu was fast enough to droop her head and stare again at the floor. "Just answer me."

The younger girl holds her silence for a while then mumbles. "Thrice?"

"What—" The chef scoffs. "Ya. Three times?! I would understand if it's just one and you were afraid to try again because you were badly hurt but— Oh, come on! THREE FREAKING TIMES?! And then when it comes to me you don't want a fourth time?!"

Tzuyu also scoffs and whispers under her breath. "How sure are you that I'm going to fall for you for a fourth time anyway."

"What did you say?"

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