08. Unforeseen

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Nayeon's POV

No way. I look into Tzuyu's eyes with fear and worry. "Andwae. Are you— are you saying..."

She just nodded to me continuously. She knows me so well that she can finish my sentence off. "That's right. You have fallen for a Yoo of the same bloodline not just once in this lifetime."

"Andwae." Please tell me this is just a dream. This is no biggie for me but for Jeong— "Tzuyu, please don't mention this to Jeong."

"Ah—" From how her eyes widened, I'm sure it just occurred to her right now. "AHH. That— that's right! He can't know! Oppa shouldn't know about this!"

I flash a proud smirk at her. "You may be smarter than me in realizing first our interconnected relationships but at least I got to think of Jeongyeon's wellness first."

She rolled her eyes at me and did not speak anything more. Judging by how her feet are subtly tapping the floor right now, she is aware about his brother's mental health. She is just unsure whether she should speak further because I might not know about it.

"Don't worry, Tzuyu." I gave her a sincere smile this time. "With me, your Oppa is in good hands."

She looks at me with confused eyes. "Unnie, what are you—"

Tzuyu pursed her lips as both our attention was directed to a loud thud we just heard that sounded like it was right outside the office's door.

We gave each other a look, glanced at the door, then looked at each other again.

"Umm..." She cleared her throat and decided to speak first. "Should I check on it?"

I softly chuckled. "It's past six already so it's technically evening, I am in an unfamiliar place, and I remember the hallways as not well lit places."

She nods and chuckles too. "Yeah. Between the two of us, you're the cowardly one."

"Age doesn't equal bravery, my dear." I playfully point to the door then. "Now, please. Do the honors."

Tzuyu scoffs and shakes her head. She stands up and lazily walks to the door. After opening the entrance to the room, she peeks outside and I watch her look to her right, then to her left like before crossing a busy street.

She turns to me and shrugs as I simply smile gratefully in return.

Then, when she was about to pull the door shut, I saw something at the corner of the last open, visible space by the hallways which made me feel like a whole bucket of ice was suddenly poured over all my body without prior notice.

I can't be wrong. I know that thing because that belongs to me.

"Tzuyu!" I stood up and almost ran to the door while this taller girl stared at me with sudden worry.

Oh, no. This can't be happening.

"Wae, Unnie? Wae? Wae?"

"That is my suitcase right there!" I pushed the door fully open as I stepped into the hallways in haste.

"Your suitcase? And what is it doing—"

"Jeongyeon picked it up from the concierge!" I yelled to release the tension building up inside me. Oh, please no.

Tzuyu is a smart girl so the moment she heard it, she also stepped outside and scanned the hallways which my eyes already made sure were empty.

Think, Im Nayeon. Think! Where would Jeongyeon go?

"I'll go this way." Tzuyu pointed to the hallways on the left which as I remember would lead back to the restaurant. "There are other rooms outside and the actual restaurant is big so I will search there."

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