28. In the Moment

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Jeongyeon's POV

I feel the body next to me in this small couch scoot closer to mine. Since my consciousness is just coming back to me from my sleep, I just pull her in response. I'm the type who's not picky at all with his bedmates when I am already in snoozeville.

Hmm... I smile as I savor the comfort of her warmth mixing with mine. What a nice feeling to have right when you wake up.

I lazily flutter my eyes open at the morning light that is already coming through the thin curtains which are covering the glass sliding walls in between my condo unit's living room and the balcony. Another night of me not sleeping alone has passed.

And I can't help but smile more at the thought of the girl who is lying right beside me at this time of the day. Her forehead is against my chest and her head is resting on my right arm. All the while, my left arm has her body secured from falling from this small couch by trapping her by the waist.

Nayeon and I have been waking up like this for a week now. When we came back from the beach on that weekend getaway with the Sons, I went home with a bunny girl attached to my hip. She just won't take no as an answer no matter how hard I try to explain to her of how I'm not agreeing to the idea of her moving in with me.

But what can I do? In between the two of us, there's no debating the fact that she is the clingy one after all.

But... if I think about it... isn't moving in a kind of a serious thing for couples?

Well, we're technically not a couple. She's not my girlfriend. I'm not her boyfriend. So technically... we're not bound by any sort of commitment at all.

I faintly gasped at the sudden thought of what we are right now. This is a not a no string attached scenario, right?

We both know we care for each other. If I have to stress it more, we both love each other. I'm head over heels for her and she has expressed enough how she wants to be with me after all this time she saw me for who I was.

So, what are we?

I was momentarily put out of my thoughts when I heard her whisper as I felt her cramming herself into mine. "Cold."

I smiled and used my left hand to pull the comforter that was previously on my thigh to cover more of our bodies. I stopped when the thick covers reached up to her chest. This girl. Isn't she basically throwing herself at me? I flash a cocky smirk. Gosh, Yoo Jeongyeon. Such a classic. You and your overflowing charisma with girls never fails humanity.

Since, like I said, she was living with me for a week now, she knew perfectly I was about to wake her up any second before she said she was cold, so she mumbles something again. "Does that mean I get five more minutes?"

I successfully suppressed a chuckle to not come out of me so that I could still sound serious. "Okay. But after that, we're getting up. No more bargains."

"Hmm." She giggles over my chest. Her warm breath passes through the fabric of my shirt, tickling my bare skin. "Thank you."

I sigh and raise my left hand to play with her messy hair. She shouldn't be here. I should be here. But she shouldn't be.

Our sleeping arrangement is that she will use my bed at night and I will be here on the couch. But every morning, when I wake up, there is already another body sleeping here with me. The first few nights she was here, she inevitably woke me up in the middle of the night when she tried to lay here with me on the couch and I had my limbs spread all over the cushion.

I should've realized sooner that no matter how hard I scold her in the morning or threaten her before bedtime, she will always climb to this couch where I was supposed to be sleeping alone.

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