Chapter Fifty- Kassidy

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As the weeks went by Kassidy's anxiety only seemed to get worse. She had almost completely shut down after her first panic attack after Maya and Carina informed her about testifying. Maya and Carina had also been on the phone for hours over the past few weeks to see if their was anyway that they would be able to get Kassidy not to testify, or if they could find ways around it. However they still hadn't managed to come to a definite answer. So Maya and Carina did what they could in order to help Kassidy through what was going on, as well as still help Lucie heal from her trauma as well.

Today marked the day of the 14th of July, meaning that it was officially the day of Kassidy's adoption. All of DeLuca-Bishop's family would be their. All of A-shift had taken the day of in order to be their for the family, as well as all of A-shift a lot of Carina's friends from the hospital would be their todya for the adoption. Maya and Carina had also invited Hudson and Brodie, knowing that Kassie had mentioned at one point that she wanted her fiends to be there when she as adopted.

Maya and Carina walked into Lucie and Kassidy's room, Lucie was sat up on her bed reading her newest book, while Kassie way curled up on top of her bed with Gio and Gus held closely to her chest. Carina moved over and began to help Lucie up out of the bed and into her wheel chair so she could help her get ready for the day, while Maya went over to Kassie to get her ready.

Carina and Lucie went to the bathroom while, Maya sat on the edge of Kassie's bed.

"Kassie, it's time to get up and ready bubs," Maya said softly as she rubbed Kassidy's back.

The blonde fire captain didn't get a response, so she kept rubbing Kassie's back in the hope that she would get the small blonde's attention.

"Come on baby girl, time to get up," Maya finally said as she began to pick up Kassidy. The small blonde quickly curled up into her mom's arms, finding comfort in the embrace. Maya carried Kassidy through to hers and Carina's shared bathroom, knowing that both Lucie and Carina would be in other bathroom. Maya quickly noticed when Kassidy began to whimper, which caused Maya sway side to side in a similar way to what one would do with a newborn baby in their arms.

"Your okay, Kassidy. Mommy's got you." Maya whispered in Kassidy's ear as she waited for the shower to heat up enough so Kassie could shower. Over the last few weeks, Kassie had been struggling again with doing some basic tasks, which caused Maya and Carina begin to take control again, in order to help Kassie, in the hope that she didn't back track too much.

Maya began to place Kassie down on the floor to get her ready to quickly shower.

"NO!" Kassie cried out, her hand suddenly going up to her head and started to pull on her hair.

"Kassie, no. Don't pull on your hair," Maya said taking Kassidy's hands to stop her from pulling on her hair. "Kassidy, stop. You are going to hurt yourself."

"STOP!" Kassidy cried out again, causing Carina to come running in to the bathroom.

"What's going on?" Carina ased as she saw Maya gently guide Kassidy to the floor to sit down. However, Kassidy was still moving around clearly panicking.

"Panic attack, can you grab some water from the kitchen please?" Maya asked, before going back to whispering in Kassidy's ears trying to calm her down.

"Si, bella. I will be back in a minute," Cairna said before leaving.

After Carina came back, it took both Maya and Carina another 10 minutes and help from Romeo to calm her down enough to get her to shower. Maya ended up quickly leaving to help Lucie to get dressed and then get herself dressed, while Carina helped Kassidy finished getting ready. Throughout all of that Romeo never left Kassidy's side.

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