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(Azara's POV)

"Where the hell is he?!" Coyote questioned frustratedly. He and Rooster were up in the air and were tasked with dogfighting with Maverick.

Little did they know that I was up in the air too.

I have flown a few times since my first time back in the air, but they have yet to experience my flying.

"Been here the whole time." Maverick replied to Coyote's earlier question. He was hiding under them until now. He picked up speed, before flying in between the two F-18's.

"Shit!" Rooster exclaimed as he regained control of his plane.

They continued to dogfight for a while until I decided to make an appearance. Mav was chasing Rooster and Coyote was behind Mav, trying to get a lock on him.

I slipped in behind Coyote and pulled the trigger as soon as I got a lock. "Wha-!?" He asked, completely confused.

"That's a kill, Coyote. You should always be aware of your surroundings, no matter what." I told him. Leveling up beside him.

"How is that fair?!" He was furious.

I just raised a brow at him. "That's life, man. Not everything always goes to plan. And that's why you need to be ready for anything."

"Ha Mav, that's a kill." Rooster said proudly, leveling out beside me. I smirked, before making my next comment. "Oof dad, either you got slow and predictable or you just underestimated Rooster's abilities."

"Yeah yeah." My dad responded, before radioing the next set of pilots to get in the air.


I was currently repairing my jet for the next day of training. I was on my way inside to go get cleaned up when I heard my name being called.

"Captain. Mitchell!" It was Rooster who was calling me, but I just kept walking, not in the mood for an argument. "Azara!" My breath hitched at him using my name, but I continued walking. "Hellfire!" I finally stopped and turned around to face him, seeing as he wouldn't give up, I would much rather get this over and done with.

"Do you need help with something, Luitenant-Commander?" I asked formally, trying to get the conversation to end quickly.

"We need to talk." He answered. I nodded and waved my hand in a gesture for him to go on.

"You really are as good as all those stories say. You know, when I heard about the infamous Hellfire I never thought it would be you. I knew you were good back then, but never this good. I always assumed that it was some other pilot with the same callsign." He said, apparently attempting to make small talk. I kept staring at him blankly.

"Whatever you've come to say Bradshaw, please spit it out. I haven't got all night." I told him coldly.

He shifted from one foot to the other nervously. "I'm sorry." He blurted out, not meeting my eyes. My hard stare softened ever so slightly at the idea of him actually admitting that he was wrong to leave like that.

"I should never have left just because I was scared. I thought I was protecting you, but instead I just hurt you more by leaving." He met my eyes and all they reflected was guilt and sadness.

"I can't even tell you how sorry I am, but I hope that one day you will be able to forgive me." He finished, taking a slight step toward me. I took a step back, before speaking.

"I appreciate your apology and explanation, but I can't forgive you. Not yet." I folded my hands behind my back in a professional manner, my neutral stare never faltering. "Life isn't a movie, Bradshaw. You can't walk out of my life when I need you most and then waltz back in with an apology and expect me to forgive you." His expression dropped instantly, knowing he wasn't going to win. "You hurt me. And wounds take time to heal. I can't forgive you now. Maybe I will be able to in the future." He nodded before taking a step back.

"Good night, Luitenant-Commander. I'll see you in the morning." I let the corner of my mouth lift in the smallest smile.

"Good night, Captain." He replied, before spinning on his heel and walking away.

She just set some boundaries. And Rooster respected them but for once he saw a bit of hope for them.


The next day we began the training on weaponry use.

I taught them basic use of a gun and knife wielding. And some martial arts.

After I got home I went on the training group chat and sent out a message;

Hellfire: {meet at the beach by the Hard deck at 5:00. Pack your swim shorts and bikinis.}

Phoenix: {is this what I think it is?}

Maverick: {you'll have to wait and see😉}


I put on a dark green two piece and threw on some shorts over the top, before getting in my matching dark green, Jeep Wrangler and heading to the beach.

When I got there Hangman and Rooster were already there. I put on my aviators and dropped my shorts, then climbed out of my car and headed towards the two.

Hangman wolf whistled as I approached them. "Looking good Hellfire." He looked me up and down, before meeting my gaze with a mischievous smirk. I glanced over at Rooster, he was leaning against his Bronco, his arms crossed over his chest. He was glaring at Hangman. And I swear I could make out a twing of jealousy in his brown gaze.

"Watch it, luitenant-commander. I am still very much your superior and can pull rank whenever and wherever I want." I told him. Crossing my arms over my chest.

We stood in silence as the rest of the pilots slowly trickled in. Once we were all ready we let the game of dogfight football begin.

This was once again just for team building and some fun.

"Okay, Rooster and Hangman are team Captains so they have choice of their team." Mav explained.

"Maverick." Hangman started.

"Hellfire." Rooster then said.






"Bob." Rooster finished. So Rooster's team included; Me, phoenix, payback and bob.

Team Hangman included; My dad, Fanboy, Inferno and Coyote.

The game began and we were all laughing as we tackled each other into the sand.
About halfway through the game we stopped keeping score of who was in the lead and just enjoyed the game.

At one point I had the ball and was printing as fast as I could, but was thrown to the ground by Inferno. I wouldn't let go of the ball so he started tickling me until my eyes watered from laughing so much.

(Rooster's POV)

I paused and glanced at Azara as Lukas tackled her to the ground and then tickled her until she let go of the ball.

She curled up in a ball to get away from her WSO's tickles but had no luck in doing so.

A few of the other pilots looked surprised at how normal she was acting. They only knew Captain Azara Mitchell, the fearless, coldhearted pilot who they only knew by her callsign and reputation.

But as I watched her lying in the sand, in a fit of giggles as she attempted to block her friend's attack, the sun setting behind them, her dark brunette locks shining in the late afternoon sun, her perfect pearly white teeth glimmering as she laughed out of pure joy and her tanned skin glistening in the sun from both sweat and sea water and her surprised shriek, as Lukas picked her up bridal style and threw her in the water.

I realized that this, this beautiful woman, was my Azara. Yes, it may be that she has turned into the cold, fearsome pilot. But that was just the result of trauma and past experiences. This was the real her. The version of her that was hidden by her other persona.

This is the woman I love.

There's no doubt about it, I'm in love with her.

And I had no problem waiting for her to be ready if that was what it took.

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