Thirty four.

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(Azara's POV)

"Really?!?" I squealed, jumping up and down in my living room like a three year old.

Bradly stood in front of me with a raised brow and an amused expression on his face. "Yes Az. I will watch the Loki series with you and Maya." He smiled at my reaction as I squealed again, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

I had been trying to get him to watch the series with me since it came out. And ever since I had started teaching Maya, who had such a big obsession that she had earned the callsign Loki, but he never wanted to.

"Wait, let me call M!" I exclaimed excitedly, picking up my phone and clicking on her contact.

The program had been going on for 4 months now, and through that time I had grown close to Maya. We were quite similar and she was almost like the younger sister I never had.

The phone ringed once before her cheery voice came from the other end. "Heya, Cap."

"Hii! I have good news!" I could barely contain my excitement as I waited for her reply.

"You and Bradderz are eloping?" She asked sarcastically.

"Ug. No! I convinced Bradly to watch Loki with us!"

She was silent for a moment before I could hear distant squealing, then her voice could be heard again, calm as ever. "That's great. When will we be watching it?"

I rolled my eyes playfully at her change in tone, even though she couldn't see me. "Well since today is Sunday....and we have class tomorrow. What about today? At 3?"

"Sure. That works for me. See ya then, Cap." She said.

"See you then, M."

A few hours later Maya showed up at my apartment with a pack of cookies. We exchanged greetings and then went straight to the living room.

Bradly laughed at the elaborate reactions of the eighteen and twenty seven years olds next to him.

"Hey!" I pouted as I wiped away a tear that had escaped my eye.

"I'm sorry, but you both are crying at the first episode!" He tried to remain serious, but failed miserably as he broke out into a smile.

"He's crying, Bradly!" Maya exclaimed.

"Our broken boy is really broken.." I pouted at Maya.

Bradly crossed his arms over his chest. "'re into broken boys?" He nudged me with his shoulder, smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Seems I have a type."

He clapped a hand over his chest as if he was hurt by my accusation.

Maya shrugged. "She's not wrong."

"Why am I still hanging out with you guys?!" He mock gasped.

I raised a brow at him. "Because you love me, idiot."

Maya thought for a moment before turning to Bradly. "She loves me so you love me too."

Badly was confused for a moment, before sighing. "Whatever. Just continue the show."

We ended up finishing the first season, before getting up for a snack refill.

After refilling our snack supply, we started the second season to which Bradly protested but I knew he secretly enjoyed it.

We were going strong so far. There was just one pause to complain about Sylvie's new hair. But other than that we were going strong.

By the end of the second last episode we all stopped breathing in anticipation. (Yes, even Mr. Bradshaw.)

"I know what kind of god I need to be. For you...for all of us." Came his charming royal accent through the tv speakers. But instead of wearing a smirk like usual, his voice was broken as he said his last goodbye.

Tears streamed down my face as I cried into a pillow. Yes, I know. The emotionally guarded woman is crying into a pillow over a tv show.

But to be fair....Maya was crying just as hard.

Bradly kissed the top of my head as he tried not to laugh at our reaction.

"This is brutal! How could they do this to him?!" I exclaimed, pointing to the tv.

"I know!! He didn't even get his happy ending!!" Maya agreed.

Bradly sighed. "I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again." He attempted to say in a British accent.

"Bradlyyyyy!!!" Both me and Maya screamed at the same time.

Bradly raised his hands in surrender. "Lesson learned; never get between a woman and her favorite character."

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