Twenty Eight

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A/n: Hi everyone! So this is just a quick little catch up on everything that happened after the mission.


(Azara's POV)

It had been two months since inferno's death and the pain of not having him here had slowly gotten easier to bear.

The grief now came in unexpected waves. My emotions were no longer hanging by a thread, threatening to snap.

Now I could be fine one moment and the next a wave of grief and sadness would wash over me, trapping me under its weight.

I found that I preferred the snapping thread over the lapping waves. With the thread I could hold myself together enough to let it snap somewhere private. But with the waves, everything was unexpected. I could either swim to the surface and be washed ashore or I could be pushed down deeper and taken further into the ocean.

Our vacation period had ended and I was to go back to work again. The first day consisted of paperwork and then of course all the 'I'm sorry for your loss.'s and 'how are you doing's and then there was the million dollar question.

'Who is going to be your new backseater?'

With all the fear that came with grief, this question was my worst. I had talked to the Admirals about this and asked if there was any other position that didn't involve flying.


"What are you here for, Captain?" Asked Admiral. Simpson from behind his desk.

I was standing at attention in the Admiral's office. I had requested a meeting with him after contemplating on my work situation.

My leave had ended and It was time to decide what I was going to do. I could either get a new backseater and continue flying or learn to be a single pilot, or I could get a different position in the navy.

"I am here to request to be an instructor, sir." I said. He raised a brow in curiosity.

"Is that so? Well what is your reasoning? You are one of the best pilots we have, it would be disappointing to see you grounded."

I nodded. "Yes I am certain, sir. If I chose to fly again the only option that would be best suited to me right now would be with a new backseater and I am not going to fly with anyone, no one will measure up to Captain Myers."

He nodded again in understanding. "I understand. Are you sure Miss Mitchell?"

I nodded. "Positive sir."

He sighed standing up and holding out his hand to shake. "Well then. I'll put in your request. We will miss you up there. Have a good rest of your day."

"Thank you for your time, sir." I shook his hand and walked out the office.

(End of flashback)

My request was accepted and here I am, on my way to teach my class of pilots.

Let me break it down for you, these are a few:

David Bridges: is a chill dude but will crack a joke every now and then. (Single flyer)
Callsign: Parachute.
Callsign story: forgot his parachute during training one day and regretted it and proceeded to ask if he had his parachute before every flight.

Marcus Dalton: is a real sweet guy and big softie. (Double)
Callsign: Paper rings.
Callsign story: got caught singing paper rings by Taylor Swift with his little sister.
Hilary Adams: is A+ student, sweet and always willing. (WSO)
Callsign: Brit.
Callsign story: always drinks tea.

Maya Gibson: is the shy one. Second in her class. HUGE Marvel fan.
Callsign: Loki.
Callsign story: has a Loki obsession.

There are other students but two of them had fallen out of the program due to different reasons.

I got my classroom ready and smiled as my students entered. Today we were just analyzing their flights of the previous day.

Loki was first to come in and took her usual seat at the back of the class. The young woman had shoulder length, jet black hair (that she had dyed to match Loki.) and emerald green eyes.

I know I shouldn't pick favorites but I couldn't help it when it came to the raven haired woman. She was the perfect student.

Even though she wasn't top in her class she was kind and respectful, she was quiet and never arrogant and always tried her best.

And I mean, I have a bit of a Loki obsession myself so who couldn't resist favoring a fellow fangirl.

Next to come in was Parachute. The young man had short, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was slightly taller than me.

He mainly held a playful smile on his face and always tried to crack a joke. He was currently top in his class but he never bragged about it or pushed it in your face.

He was a really good pilot. He had enough confidence to get through a mission but not so much that he always thinks he's the best. He flies fast but not so fast that it puts himself or anyone else at risk.

Next was Brit. She was a redhead with crystal blue eyes. She was a WSO and was kind, caring and rather outgoing. She was always willing to get in the air.

A few of the other students had already come in. But I was only waiting on one.

"Brit, where is your pilot?" I asked the young woman.

She shook her head. "I don't know Ma'm. He said he'll meet me here." She answered.

Just as I was about to say something the classroom door opened and my last student calmly entered. "I apologize for being late Ma'm." He apologized calmly, taking a seat next to his WSO.

That was Paper rings. He was always calm and collected. No matter the circumstance. I kind of envied him for that. He was Brit's pilot and the two made an amazing team.

He had sandy blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He was just as calm and collected in the air as he was on the ground.

"So let's start off with your flights from yesterday."


I was cleaning my desk when I knocked over a picture. I picked it up and saw that it was a photo of me and Bradly at the Hard Deck, sitting by the piano and singing 'Great balls of fire.' I didn't realize that day but Penny had taken the picture from behind and captured a beautiful moment.

I sighed. During our time off the time spent was mostly grieving. And because I was an emotional wreck, I still had that voice in the back of my head that told me that he was going to leave.

And I was so frustrated with myself that I couldn't get that voice to shut up so that I could move on from that insecurity. But It always stayed in the back of my mind.

Bradly had tried reassuring me multiple times that he wasn't going to leave. But that was what he said before he left the first time.

And because of one stupid insecurity he felt like I didn't trust him. And when I had to answer that question words failed me.

I did trust him. I trusted him with my life. But I don't know if I trusted him with my heart, because it can't afford to be any more broken.

So we decided to take a break. I don't know how long but we need to give each other space.

And that space has been going on for three weeks. And since he's in the air and I'm an instructor we don't see each other much and I don't know if it's for better or for worse.

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