Twenty three.

35 0 0

TW: Panic attack, anxiety.

Time until takeoff: 5 hours.

(Azara's POV)

I groaned as I sat back against the bathroom wall. Closing my eyes, focusing on steadying my churning stomach.

As soon as I woke up this morning I felt extremely nauseous and ran to my bathroom, promptly puking my guts out for a while and then bursting into tears.

Don't ask me why this was happening to me. It was completely unlike me.

"Get a grip, Hellfire." I told myself as I washed up and got ready for the day.

I put on my kaki uniform, grabbed my keys and drove off to base.

Today was the day. I'm gonna discuss a few more things with my dad about who's going on the mission and then we're going to announce our chosen pilots.

Then they're gonna say goodbye to their families and then we're off.

I sighed as I walked up to the side gate and saw Al. "Good morning Miss Azara." He greeted with a sad smile. He knew what today was and the risks we were about to take.

"Good morning Al." I checked in and stood in front of him with an equally sad expression.

"I'm not going to ask how you are because I'm guessing not great."

I nodded, struggling to meet his gaze. "You've got that right. How are you?"

He signed. "As good as you can be when the young lady who lights up your world every day and who you love so dearly is going on a deadly mission."

I let out a shaky breath and finally met his gaze. "I'm sorry Al." I didn't know what else to say. I've known this man for most of my life.

He opened his arms and I hugged him tightly. "There's a chance that I might not come back. I need you to know that you are one of the most important people in my life. You never fail to make my day no matter what mood I am in. You're like a second father to me and I will never be able to express how much you mean to me." My voice cracked at the end and I fought hard not to break down.

"No. Thank you Miss Azara. You have no idea what you mean to me. It is hard to be in the Navy and I often get ignored, but every day when I go to work I look forward to seeing you and hearing your kind words." He held me tight and I did the same.

We let go of each other before I continued. "Al, can you do me a favor? If..if I don't make it back, can you look out for my dad?" He nodded and I couldn't even muster up a smile at this point.

"I will Miss. Please be careful."

"I will try my best." I said and gave him another hug. "Thank you for everything.....goodbye Al." I finally let a few tears fall and I felt a few of Al's fall onto my neck.

"Goodbye Miss Azara." He whispered.

I reluctantly pulled away and gave him a weak smile. Then I walked away.

I walked towards my dad's office and stopped outside. I took a shaky breath and composed myself before knocking and entering.

My dad smiled when he saw me and noticed that I struggled to return a smile.

We took a seat. "Ok first up, team leader. I was thinking Rooster but-" My dad began but I cut him off by placing a hand on his arm.

"Dad." I said gently. "We discussed this."

He sighed. "I know."

We had decided that I was the best option for team leader. My dad was just trying to find an excuse for me to stay.

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