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(Azara's POV)

Everyone is finished with training for today and decided to head to the Hard Deck.
Me and Mav had managed to get most of the pilots through the course. All except Hangman.

I waited for my dad to finish up in his office so that we could go together. I leaned against my bike and closed my eyes, inhaling as a fresh breeze passed me.

My mind is occupied by thoughts and feelings that I can't pinpoint.
Usually when this happened those thoughts consist of various things. But now my mind is clouded by one person.

Bradly Bradshaw.

He was about to kiss me that night but Amelia had to fricking barge in. Maybe it's a sign, maybe we're moving too fast.
Maybe we-

My thoughts were interrupted by my dad as he walked up to me. "You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and climbed onto my Harley Davidson and he climbed onto his Kawasaki and we were off!

We just cruised along at first until I said. "Want to race to the hard deck?" A smirk appeared on his face and we raced each other all the way there.

In the end Mav won by a centimeter, but at least it was fun.

We got off our bikes and started to head inside. "You may be better in a jet, Azara but I'm better on a bike. Maybe your mind is occupied by something." My dad commented with a sly smile.

"Daaaad." I whined like a child. Earning a laugh from my dad.

He just shrugged and tried to suppress his smirk. "I'm just saying. It seems like, these last few days, you've been thinking alot about someone." We were now standing outside the Hard Deck and I could hear the chatter and music from inside.

I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "I never said someone. And who do you think would be on my mind?" I questioned, raising a brow.

My dad had a cheeky smile on his face. "I don't know, maybe Bradl-"

I cut him off with a playful slap to his arm. "Dad!" I exclaimed, my cheeks tinted with a faint pink.

My dad didn't know about me and Rooster's almost kiss or whatever that was. But apparently he knew that I still liked him.

"Is that a blush that I see, Azara?" He teased. His eyes glimmering with mischief.

"Dad stop!" I told him firmly. "Now we're going to go in there, calm and composed. Well as calm and composed as you can be, and we're gonna act like nothing happened."

"Yeah yeah, C'mon kid." He answered, walking inside and completely ignoring what I just said.

I sighed in annoyance at my father's antics, then I took a deep breath, regained my cold composure and headed inside.

When we got inside it was busier than I expected. Our team of pilots were playing pool, dart or just standing around chatting.

There were a few older people slow dancing on the dance floor that was placed in the middle of the room.

I glanced at the group of pilots, all in their kaki uniforms. Hangman was playing pool with Coyote, Phoenix was chatting with Payback and Bob and Fanboy were throwing darts. I couldn't see Rooster anywhere, he's probably not here yet.

Unlike the others I had decided not to wear the kaki uniform and had settled for a dark green blouse, skinny jeans and a jean jacket. My short hair was hanging loose and I had natural makeup on.

I followed my dad to the bar where Penny was. I ordered a beer and then made my way to the group of pilots, leaving my dad chatting with his wife.

Phoenix smiled as she saw me approaching. "Hey Captain." I gave her a side hug, doing the same to Payback who seemed surprised at my relaxed demeanor. "How you guys feeling about the training so far?" I questioned, taking a sip of the beer in my hand.

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