Thirty five.

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(Azara's POV)

"Well done, Parachute. You're improving nicely. Just remember to keep an eye on your blind spots for intruders, ok?" I told one of my students.

He had a habit in the past of getting slightly panicked when an enemy would enter his blind spot, but he was improving immensely.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded, before I radioed in for landing.

I made my way to the locker room to just wipe my face and to pee. (Cause it's not easy to be up in the air for like two or more hours and then have to hold it in till you land.)

I just had a 20 minute break before I had to take my next student up.

I put on some extra deodorant and made sure I looked ok-ish in the mirror.

"There you are! I was looking for you." Came a voice from behind me that made me jump.

I turned around to see Penny standing in the doorway with a smile. "Gosh, Pen! You scared me!"

She laughed. "Sorry. I wanted to talk to you about a few things." 

I raised a brow in question. "What is it?"

She smiled pulling out a whole folder. "Well, I know you and Bradly haven't set a date yet....but I took the liberty and came up with a few ideas for the wedding that you two could decide on. Since you both are constantly busy."

I grinned. "Aw, thank you! It will really help us out. I can take a quick look before I have to go back to work." I took the folder from her, thinking it was just a few kinks to work out.

Oh boy was I wrong! I never knew wedding planning was so extensive. Cake, flowers, table cloths, seating arrangements, dress, tuxses, music, food, reception, priest, etc.

My eyes widened as I shoved the book back in her arms. "Can I look at this when I get home? I-uh." I was slightly overwhelmed with the fact that I had to plan this whole thing.

I still couldn't even believe I was getting married in the first place, never mind planning it!

Penny placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and gave me an understanding smile. "Oh, honey. It's normal to feel this way. I felt exactly the same when I got married...both times! And I know you're stressed with work and your adrenaline is running high at the moment, so we can talk more later."

I blew out a breath of relief. "Thanks, Penny. You're the best."

"No, you're the best. Now go eat something before you go out again. Love you!" She yelled as she exited the room and walked down the hallway.

"Love you too!" I yelled back, before picking up my helmet and speed walking to the cafeteria.

I grabbed an apple and stood in a corner to eat a bit of it. The cafeteria was fairly quiet, mostly just a Lieutenant or two on their lunch break.

I only finished half my apple before I had to get back up in the air. I decided to finish it on my way there.

I made my way to the airstrip, lost in thought about how I was going to plan this wedding of mine, when I quite literally walked straight into someone's chest.

(Bradly's POV)

I smiled as I made my way to the cafeteria. One of Azara's students, David Bridges, Callsign 'Parachute' had come up to me earlier and he had warned me that if I messed things up with Az that there would be trouble.

I just found it sweet that Azara has such a good relationship with her students that one of them would feel protective over her.

I was probably not paying attention to where I was going, because I suddenly walked straight into someone.

I stepped back quickly, looking up to see who I walked into. "Oh sorr-" I cut myself off as my eyes met the sparky green ones of my fiancée.

She had her hair pulled back in a small, tight bun, she had her flight suit on, an half eaten apple in her hand and her helmet in the other.

"Oh hi!" She smiled up at me, her eyes sparkling through her aviators.

We hadn't seen each other today since she had to come in early to finish some paperwork and I didn't have shift till later. It kinda felt weird not seeing her first thing at work, it was like a piece of me was missing for a short while.

"Hey stranger." I smirked, adjusting her slightly crooked sunglasses.

She smiled at my small gesture, rolling her eyes playfully at my comment. "We were apart for 10 hours, Brads." She stepped closer, adjusting my collar.

"Well, I guess I can't live without you...even for an hour." I leaned in closer to her, maintaining eye contact.

She leaned closer slightly, her gaze flicking down to my lips. "I really have that effect on you?" She whispered.

I moved a stray hair out of her face. "You have no Idea. Every second without you is as if a piece of me is lost."

Her lips parted slightly and she moved even closer. I thought she was going to kiss me but then she suddenly pulled away. "Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one. And you're going to have to retrieve that missing piece later, I've got work to do." She smirked at me.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" I asked.

She thought for a moment. "Penny wanted to go through wedding ideas sometime, I don't know when though. Can I let you know?"

I nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, no problem."

"Well, I need to get going. My probi is waiting. Love you." She quickly pecked my lips and walked off, throwing her apple in the bin.

"Love you too." I smiled and after a beat, I asked. "what's a probi?"

She grinned, turning around and walking backwards so she could face me. "Reference to a series I still need to show you. See ya later Chicken feathers." She winked and ran off towards her jet.

"Chicken feathers?" I mumbled to myself as I made my way the cafeteria, loading my plate with food. "That's a new one." I shrugged, smiling to myself.

I still can't believe I'm marrying that remarkable woman. She makes my life complete, my heart whole and my smile brighter.

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