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(Azara's POV)

It was two weeks until the mission.
The pilots were ready to fly and their weaponry use was not bad, they would at least be able to defend themselves against attackers.

I was currently sitting on the floor in my living room with Natasha. We were having a girls night, I mean it has to happen some time.

"So, Nat. Do you like anybody?" I asked, with a sneaky smile.

"Of course I do, I like you. And Rooster and Hangman, coyote, my mom and my dad." She replied cheekily.

"You know what I mean, Nat." I sighed. She kept her eyes on me as I put a piece of popcorn in my mouth.

"What?" I asked, raising a brow. Her face broke into a smile as she began to speak.

"What about you and Rooster?" I rolled my eyes at her as she giggled at my response.

"He's my ex." I said, stating the obvious. Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. "Yes, I know that, Az. But how do you feel about him?" She questioned carefully, knowing it was a sensitive subject.

"I honestly don't know. He hurt me so much and I don't know how to feel anymore." I paused, contemplating if I should continue or not. I take a breath before deciding to continue. "He apologized the other night." I stated simply, picking at the carpet instead of meeting the other pilot's gaze.

"He did?" She asked, sounding surprised that he actually would do that.

I nodded. "He asked if I would forgive him and I told him that this wasn't a movie, he couldn't leave me when I needed him most and then walk back into my life, expecting forgiveness." I explained, retelling the events that took place a few weeks ago.

"And what did he say?" She asked, keeping her gaze locked on mine.

"He respected my boundaries and said that he hoped that I would be able to find it in me to forgive him someday." I finished, sitting up straighter. Phoenix looked at me with a sad gaze.

She knew me and Bradly were meant to be, and it was so sad that it just didn't work out. But she had hope that maybe there could still be a chance for them.

"And do you think you could?" Natasha asked softly.

I took a deep, lingering breath. Considering her words. Could I forgive him? One day maybe, but I don't see that happening now or in the near future. He hurt me too much and I know I'll forgive him someday, I just don't think that's a possibility right now.


  (Third person POV)

Rooster had just come from Maverick's office. He had sent Bradly a message telling him to meet at his office for a chat.

Bradly was hesitant of course. Especially after his interaction with the Captain at the Hard Deck a few weeks ago.

But nevertheless, he had made his way to the Captain's office and actually ended up having a decent talk.

Mav had explained how he felt about this whole thing between Bradly and Azara, and actually came to a conclusion that Bradly was what's best for his daughter. So he was allowed to regain her trust and become her friend and maybe even more, but he, of course, had to remain following Azara's terms and conditions.

So, after that talk he immediately went to find Azara. Yes, he's maybe a bit eager, but he was thrilled that there was a chance of repairing their relationship.

He had asked Maverick where she could be and then started searching the multiple places he had suggested.

He had checked the training room, the cafeteria, all the hallways (yeah that's weird, right? But Mav said that she sometimes hid in quiet hallways to get away from people.) her office and he had checked if she was in the air and had no luck so far.

Where could this woman be? There can't be many places where she could hide, right?

Bradly was about to give up, when something told him to head to the airstrip. He headed that way and found her sitting at the foot of her F-18.

She was looking out at the sunset as the blue sky was tinted an orange and pink hue.

He slowly walked towards her, stopping beside her. "May I?" He asked, gesturing towards the tarmac next to her. She didn't look up at him, she just nodded.

And then an awkward silence overcame them.

(Rooster's POV)

I held my breath as an awkward silence overcame us. She didn't look at me, she just kept staring at the sunset.

She looked beautiful, (but maybe that was just my opinion.) her, short, dark hazelnut hair was tucked behind her ear. Her emerald green eyes scanned the horizon, as she watched the sun set. Her tanned skin seemed to glow in the dim evening light.

"Azara, do you think we can try to be friends?" I asked nervously, she suddenly met my gaze for the first time that day.

"I don't mean like a couple, I mean like actual friends." I hastily added, not wanting her to make assumptions.

She looked into my eyes and I swear I saw her eyes light up a little at the mention of repairing our relationship.

"Maybe we can." She said.

I looked at her with a surprised expression. Did I really just hear her right? Did she just agree with me? "Really?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah, really." She answered, the side of her mouth tilting in a small smile.

My face broke into a huge smile and I didn't even try to hide it. She rolled her eyes playfully at me. "Why do you look like I just made your day?" She questioned.

"Because you did just make my day." I stated. Still smiling at her.

"So tell me more about you. I feel like I hardly know you. What have you been up to the last year?" I asked.

She punched my arm lightly and I feigned hurt. which she just rolled her eyes at.  "Smooth, Rooster, smooth."

"But, to answer your question: allot." she looked back out at the horizon. "I'm not going to dwell on what happened in the past. Even though I can never escape my past, due to the PTSD and all that. But at least I got a promotion out of all of this." She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "But other than that, nothing interesting has happened." She finished, before asking me: "and you?"

I shook my head. "Not much. I got stationed at various places, I met various people and I slept in various hotels rooms and barracks." I told her with a chuckle.

She laughed. "Sounds like an interesting life."

We sat in comfortable silence for a while until she spoke again.

"Thank you, Rooster." She started, shifting in her spot on the tarmac to get a better look at me. "Thank you for wanting to fix our situation." She paused, contemplating her next words. "I still very much care for you, Bradly. I always have and I always will. We just lost a piece of our puzzle, but maybe, if we want to we can find it and put it back in place."

She gave me a small smile, stood up and walked away.

Maybe she was right.

Maybe we just need to find our missing puzzle piece and maybe all that takes is time.

A/N: Hi everyone! I just want to apologize for these last few chapters. I feel like they're not up to my usual standards. But I hope you have a great day/night. Love you!!

And don't forget to comment/vote!


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