Twenty five.

38 0 0

(Azara's POV)

It was quite chaotic.

Missiles, flares and bullets were flying everywhere. Everyone was shouting warnings and directions. And the tension was high.

I flew straight into the middle of the chaos and joined my friends in their fight.

"Phoenix! Missile, 3 o'clock. Break left!" I shouted as a missile headed for her.

"Breaking left!" She confirmed and avoided the missile.

A bogey was heading for me and it launched a missile. I intercepted it with my flares and shot at the enemy plane.

A few shots had hit but they had managed to avoid the rest of the flares. The plane came around and shot at me again and I avoided the bullets.

And for a moment it was all a blur of movement, voices and flares.

Suddenly there was a missile that was headed straight for me but I couldn't get out of the way.

I prepared myself for the impact. I closed my eyes and shielded my head. But the blast never came.

"You okay?" Asked a voice that I was very relieved to hear.

I looked up and saw Rooster leveled out next to me. "What the Hell happened? You didn't confirm your takeoff!" I asked.

"My radio was malfunctioning. But I'm ok. Are you?" He said.

"As ok as I can be with internal bleeding. It hurts like hell but I'll live." I replied.

Another bogey came at me. I shot my guns at him and with the help of Rooster we shot down the plane.

I sighed in relief as I looked around and saw that we were free of bogeys for now.
That was until I started to feel nauseous again.

The pain in my stomach area intensified and my vision blacked in and out.

"Guys..I don't feel great." I told them. Struggling to control my jet because of my vision.

"O-k...shhhhujnzk." Was all we heard from Rooster's radio. "I'm ha-njcdfshhh-some....."

"It's ok Rooster. We can't hear you." I said. He did say that his radio was malfunctioning.

I switched my radio to the channel that would broadcast back to base. Were Admiral Simpson and my dad were monitoring us.

"Control, this is Hellfire." I called in.

It took a second before a response came through. "Hellfire this is control, please send your message."

It took me a moment to get my vision clear enough to be able to talk. "Control, the mission is a success so far but Rooster has some issues with his radio and I am in need of medical assistance." I answered through gritted teeth, trying not to let the pain show in my voice.

I had just ignored it until now because I didn't want it to be a distraction. But now the pain came to a point where I couldn't ignore it anymore.

"There is a ship a few minutes away from you that you can land on." They responded.

"Affirmative." I nodded to myself.

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