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A/N: 562 reads and 1'st in the roosterxreader category!!! Thank you guys so much!!❤️❤️

(Bradly's POV)

I opened the door and looked back at the girl with the green hair, that I had bumped into. But she was gone. She was probably one of Az's students.

I took a deep breath and headed inside Azara's classroom, preparing myself for a fight. I looked around but she wasn't there.

I sighed. "Dammit!" I yelled a little too loudly.

We had to resolve this situation between us. It couldn't continue this way.

I needed her back. I needed to be sure we were ok and not on shaky ground.

I ran out onto the airstrip, ready to go look for her. It was pouring with rain but suddenly a fresh salty breeze hit me. And then it clicked.

I ran to my car and hopped in driving as fast as I was allowed. Cursing under my breath at my stupidity for not putting the roof of my car on.

(Azara's POV)

I closed my eyes as I breathed in the salty air, the sound of the waves lapping the shore, the pouring rain and the occasional clap of thunder bringing me peace.

I felt reassured knowing that with each clap of thunder, it proved that even the sky needed to scream sometimes.

Even though I was sopping wet. I still felt at peace, it's strange how nature can be so calming.

I had come here to escape from my life for a moment. To relax and not to have to think about anything.

I kept my eyes closed as I heard the crunch of gravel and a moment later, felt a presence behind me.

I didn't have to open my eyes to know who it was. "How did you find me?" I asked loud enough for him to hear me. My eyes still closed.

And then I heard that voice. That rich, smooth voice that could kill me and bring me back to life all at the same time. Speaking loudly to be heard above the raging storm. "You once told me that the beach is where you find peace." He walked closer. "Even in the midst of a storm you still see the beauty."

I opened my eyes, staring straight ahead at the raging ocean. The waves rising up and smashing into the sand.


I turned around to see Bradly looking at me pleadingly. His hair was plastered to his head by the rain, his flight suit dripping wet and his eyes pleading. "I can't do this anymore..." He trailed off.

"This 'break' is driving me insane. I'm going insane without you." He said, his brown eyes staring deep into mine. 

"It's driving me crazy too, but I need more time." I replied. My voice just as desperate as his.

"It's been three weeks. How much more time could you possibly need?!" He said louder.

"I don't know!!" I yelled, another clap of thunder sounding out through the wind.

He started walking closer, never breaking eye contact. "What are you so afraid of?!"

A tear rolled down my cheek but it was washed away by the pouring rain. "I'm afraid of losing someone else!" My voice cracked.

"It seems that the important people in my life always leave. My mom left me because she didn't want me, you left when I needed you most, and after you left the only people who were there for me were my dad and Lukas! Lukas was my lifejacket when you, my anchor left, he kept me afloat! And I let him die!!" I was screaming at this point, tears being washed away as soon as they hit my skin.

"And I know you came back, and I know we've mended our relationship, but how can I fully trust you with my vulnerability if the events of the day you left are etched into me!? And I know I'm a mess and I know you don't understand..." My voice cracked again. For once I was struggling to keep my mask from shattering.

"I've been broken too many times to count." I looked down for a moment. "I want to trust you, I really do. But how do I get over this stupid insecurity of mine? Maybe, my broken pieces were never meant to be put back together. Maybe I-" I looked towards the ground.

Bradly was in front of me now. He took my hands in his. "I know." He hooked his fingers under my chin and lifted my face to meet his eyes. "I know Azara. And I was incredibly stupid for leaving you and I know that caused damage that may never be completely healed. But I'm still standing here. We always seem to find our way back to each other. And I know it's hard, but you have to believe me when I say. That this time I won't leave your side. I promise."

I gazed into his eyes with my misty ones. "How do I know that you're going to keep that promise? And how do I know you're not going to leave, because I know I'm not an easy person to be with and I am constantly insecure and I'm not the same person you fell in love with a year and a half ago. But I love you. And I-" My breathing got heavier and shallower as I started to panic.

Bradly cupped my face with his hands. "You may have changed, but you are even more amazing now than you were back then. And if you feel insecure, I will tell you a thousand times how amazing and beautiful and incredible you are without a doubt. I love you with my entire heart, soul and being. With every fibre in my body. And all I ask of you is to give me one last chance to prove to you that I won't leave. And if I break that promise, which I won't, you can give up on me. And I'll leave you alone. But just give me this one chance to redeem myself."

I was sobbing as emotions crashed over me like the waves crashed into the shore. "I'll try to trust you. Because I love you with everything I have and everything I don't."

He leaned down and captured my lips in his with a passion I haven't felt before. The wind whistled and the waves crashed as the kiss intensified.

One of Bradly's hands was behind my head and the other was on my waist as his tongue slipped into my mouth.

One of my hands was on his shoulder and the other was running through his wet hair. He bent down so that I wouldn't have to lean up to reach him.

And in that moment, as the rain poured down around us, the thunder clapped and the waves crashed. It was clear just how much we loved each other.

All the feelings we couldn't put into words, we put in that kiss.

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and he hooked his hands under my thighs to keep me in place.

We continued kissing, but oxygen intervened. We broke apart and gasped for breath.

Bradly pressed his forehead against mine and smiled. "I love you Azara."

I smiled back. "I love you too Bradly."

As we stood in the middle of the storm with the wind howling and our clothes soaked to the bone.

It was proof that there was beauty in every storm.

You just need to push through to see it.

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