New Pet

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“Scott! Dude, you still here?! I need you!”

Stiles doesn’t even text while driving. Ergo, her asking–as she bursts through the doors, she makes it halfway through the reception area before just the guy she’s looking for pops his head out from the double doors to the surgery.

“What? What is it?” Scott has a cleaning rag in one hand and a small surgical pan in his other. His eyes are wide with concern as he checks her over for any marks.

“Oh, thank God! The front light was off.”

“Yeah, I haven’t gotten around to fixing it yet.” Scott grins happily as he says, “The practice has been real busy these last couple of weeks and–“

“Shut up and help me!” Stiles snaps, then, hisses out a, “Sorry! Love you. Just come!” when Scott’s sweet grin fades into a rather offended expression.

“Stiles, what–“ Scott clamps his mouth shut as she rushes back out of the building. “Damn it.” He mutters in annoyance. He places the cleaning cloth and the pan down on the registration counter before following her out. She’s parked up right outside the doors and Scott’s eyes widen a little when he sees the large black mass limply hanging from his best friend’s arms as she tries to pull it out of the backseat of her Jeep. “Uhhh... Is that a wolf?”

“Yes, Scott, it’s a wolf! Will you help me before I drop him on his poor head?!” Stiles snaps through gritted teeth. She’s still trying not to panic here.

Scott snaps out of his stupor and jumps straight in to help her. “Easy.” He mumbles as she lowers the wolf over to him. Scott slides his other hand under the wolf’s stomach before slowly laying him over his shoulder. He hoists the wolf up, adjusting the weight against his chest and shoulder before sliding his other hand under the wolf’s tail and backside.

“You good?” Stiles asks. When Scott nods, she closes the door behind them, then, asks, “Is the Jeep OK here for a little while or do I need to move it?”

“No, it’s OK. The spot is for emergencies.” Scott tells her. Stiles nods, locks up before hurriedly following him back into the building. “Lock the doors. Keys are in my back pocket.” Scott tells her, pausing to let her grab the keys from him before he pushes through to the surgery.

Stiles locks the doors, tossing the keys on the counter and runs through the double doors to see Scott gently laying the wolf across the surgery table. Stiles tries to calm her breathing as she walks over to the table. She watches Scott lean over the wolf, tilting his head to one side before she asks him, “Is he still alive?”

Scott offers a small reassuring smile. “Yeah. His pulse is strong. I was just, uh...checking.”

Stiles chuckles when he smiles sheepishly. “Shit. I didn’t even think about that. I was just so worried I’d killed someone’s pet or a member of some endangered and protected wolf pack.”

Scott shoots her a teasing grin. “Well, I could have...” He laughs when she shoots him a withered glare. “By the smell of him, he’s a regular wolf.” Scott says as he runs his hands slowly over the wolf’s body, just to make sure he doesn’t have any other hidden injuries.

Stiles stares suspiciously between her friend and the wolf. “Buuuut...?”

Scott sighs as he leans back and simply stares down at the wolf. “But...some, more experienced werewolves are able to hide their scent.”

Stiles’ eyes widen. “Oh, my fuck–are you saying I might actually have ran a person over tonight?” Stiles breathing turns heavy again. “Ohhh, nooo, no, no, no...”

“Stiles, it’s OK–“

“No, it’s not! I’ve never even returned a library book passed its due date!”

Scott takes a moment to keep himself from laughing at his poor friend’s obvious panic.

“My dad’s gonna kill me.” Stiles gives up her panic quickly, though, merely accepts her inevitable fate. “Yep. I’m dead.”

Scott rolls his eyes, a small smirk tugging at his lips. “Get a grip, girl. He’s probably just a regular wolf.”

Stiles frowns, lost in her thoughts as she watches Scott begin to clean the blood from the poor wolf’s fur.

Just as Scott lightly brushes over the bullet wound at the wolf’s shoulder, the animal suddenly snarls viciously back to life. “Oh, fuck!!” Scott backs away just in time for the wolf’s jaw to keep from loudly snapping shut over his hand. “Easy, boy! I’m not gonna hurt you.” Scott holds up both hands for the wolf to see, both non threatening and so he can see what Scott is holding.

The wolf snarls lowly at him, ears flattened against his head.

“Dude, his eyes–“ Stiles’ own eyes widen as the memory of the sight of those glowing eyes suddenly springs to mind. Though, just as she speaks, the wolf’s head snaps towards her. And it’s not that he is no longer snarling that surprises her, but instead, the sight of those bright green eyes now staring back up at her. “Wha...” She frowns, utterly confused, then, narrows her eyes, because she likes to read a lot, so–“This thing is a werewolf.”

Stiles points at the wolf, who, again, surprisingly, doesn’t react to her words. Her eyes narrow further as she stares back at the wolf, daring him to challenge her in some way.

Scott peers slowly around to see the wolf merely blinking and staring up at her. He then chuckles, because–“Dude, I think you have a new pet. The slow blinking and staring at you is a total natural wolf thing.”

Only, Stiles notes a tiny little thing as Scott says those words...the wolf does a quick double blink, his eyes shifting to the side, just the tiniest of fractions. If Stiles didn’t know any better, she would say that looked like a subtle look of contempt.

“Hmm.” Stiles eyes the wolf, slowly reaches out a hand.

Scott scoffs when the wolf leans closer and licks once at the tip of her fingers. Stiles chuckles and Scott smiles as he watches her gently pet the vicious little shit on the head. “OK, well, he clearly doesn’t want me touching him. And I don’t wanna stress him out, so, you good with cleaning his wound?” Scott winces as he adds, “Sorry.” He knows how much blood makes her queasy.

“If he lets me.”

Scott laughs as he watches the wolf relax fully under her touch. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now