The Rules

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“Tell me you didn’t shoot the girl.”

Gerard rolls his eyes before turning to face his son. “I didn’t shoot the girl. Yet.” He smirks lightly at the younger man’s troubled look.

My boy’s always been too soft for his own good.

Chris scowls. “You said you wouldn’t harm her.”

“I said I wouldn’t harm her unless Derek forces me to.” Gerard firmly corrects.

“So, we kill our own kind now?” Chris scoffs back. “I’m out.”

Gerard rolls his eyes again, this time, smirking as he watches his soft boy walk out the door.

He’ll come back.

He always does.

“It’s OK, Mandy, you’ll feel better in no time, sweetie.” Scott cooes at the chunky pug in his arms, presses a few kisses to the top of her snorting head.

He heads into the backroom to lay her down for her rest back in her cage. And when he flips on the lights, he jumps in fright and almost drops poor Mandy when he sees he isn’t alone anymore.


Laura smirks at him.

Scott quickly calms his pulse and glares at her. “How the hell are you so stealthy? Even for a wolf.”

(He also notes that none of the animals made a sound; none of them are afraid of her. He takes that as a real good sign at least.)

“Cute.” Laura chirps, smirk widening to an amused little grin.

Scott glances down at Mandy, who’s now falling asleep in his arms. “Yeah.” He chuckles, nods and lifts his eyes to the she wolf’s. But she isn’t looking at Mandy.

“I didn’t mean the dog.”

Scott arches a brow, feels his cheeks heating at the openly flirty look she gives him. He chuckles nervously before asking, “Aren’t I a little too young for you?” He panics when she arches a brow right back at him. “Not that I don’t think you’re the most attractive woman I’ve ever seen, because I do, I just–and you’re totally messing with me... Great.”

Laura’s grin grows back wider this time. “Yeah. I’m into women anyway. Sorry. You really are very cute though.”

Scott chuckles again, this time, feeling a whole lot of relief for not just making an even bigger ass out of himself. “So, uh, what can I do for you?” He moves over to pop open Mandy’s cage before gently placing her inside. “I haven’t–“

Laura sighs, loud and tired. Though, when she speaks, she isn’t angry or even annoyed. She’s simply just telling him, “Look, I already know Derek is hiding out at your friend’s place. When I came in last night, I just wanted to get a sense of who you really are. I wanted to know why my brother thought he needed to hide with total strangers rather than just come home. But you don’t know anything. Neither of you do. At least, not the kinda things I wanna know. Like, for starters, where the hell he’s been before this.”

Scott takes a moment to process her words before he slowly and calmly asks, “If you know where he is, why haven’t you just gone to him already?”

Laura shoots him a withered look. “You know the rules. I can’t approach your friend until my idiot baby brother formally introduces her to his pack.”

“What?” Scott is halfway to being utterly confused again. “No. That’s only if–“ That is, until it clicks in his brain. “No...” He mumbles before whispering, “Goddamn it.”

Laura looks surprised as she says, “You didn’t know? It’s pretty obvious when you know what you’re looking for.”

It’s now Scott’s turn to shoot her a withered look. “No, I’m sorry, but I didn’t happen to notice my best friend and your brother damn well imprinting on one another, because I was too busy trying to help him not bleed out, while he was being a rude little asswipe and growling at me!”

Laura can’t help the amused snort she lets out just imaging the scenario in her head. Though, she is frowning with concern as she asks, “Why was he bleeding?”

Scott sighs tiredly before he begins explaining what he knows right from the start, just two days ago now...

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now