Shed A Tear

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Chris startles when he hears a series of loud thuds above him.

(He’s not a jumpy person, at all, but with his daughter still missing, he is rather on edge.)

“What the hell the was that?” He asks, glancing towards the ceiling.

“Oh.” There’s a faintly amused smirk hanging from Talia’s lips as she explains, “Derek thinks he’s sneaking out of the house unnoticed. He thinks I don’t know how he makes it sound like he’s going up to his room.”

Chris breaks out in a quiet chuckle at that, because–“Allison used to do the same thing when I first let her out alone with her friends.”

Talia smiles fondly.

Though, Chris is slightly concerned as he watches the Alpha simply lean back in her chair.

He’s sure she knows what she’s doing, but he still can’t help asking her, “Is it wise to let him go?”

Talia gives a little shrug. “Probably not.” She sighs tiredly, and she isn’t pointing blame at the young hunter (who is barely a few years older than Laura), but she does arch a brow as she sarcastically retorts with, “But if my can son survive your sister alone, he can do pretty anything, can’t he?”

Chris bows his head in acceptance. “Fair point.”

“Kate was more dangerous than your father, because she was completely unpredictable. At least with Gerard, I always know what he wants. Power.” Talia rolls her eyes. “It’s all he cares for. No offence. I’m sure he loves you very much in his own...unique way.”

Chris can’t help the fond little smile that tugs at his lips.

But it’s not for his father.

It’s for the Alpha who clearly hates his father, but still chooses not to badmouth the man to his son’s face.

“I assure you, he only loves himself. Kate’s death is just an excuse for him to finally make a move on your pack.”

Talia looks slightly surprised to hear him say that.

She’s always felt that Chris wasn’t like the rest of his family. That he was soft; kind; compassionate.

But this is the first time she’s met the man in person. And she’s so very glad her thoughts on him were all true.

She nods, offers a friendly smile as she says, “Well, I’m glad you understand that.”

Chris nods back, sighs gravely as he says, “Now, I just have to make Allison understand.”

“From what you’ve told me, your girl has a strong head on her shoulders, but it sounds like her heart is broken for someone she never even knew fully.” Talia nods again, offers an encouraging smile as she tells him, “And if her heart is broken, it means she, at least, has a heart. Just like her father.”

Chris chuckles bitterly, shakes his head as he tells her, “I hope you’re right. Because I don’t think I’ve actually seen her shed a single tear over Kate’s death. And I know Kate isn’t someone worth crying over, but as far as Allison knew, Kate could never do no wrong. Kate was Allison’s entire world... At least, I thought so.”

The hunter shivers, feeling disturbed as he tells the Alpha, “It reminds me of the time my mother died. My father never shed a tear over her death. He never shed a tear over anything, but...I was just a little kid, and I just couldn’t understand why he wasn’t upset.”

Talia takes all of his words in. She sits there quietly processing her own thoughts for a few moments after.

Finally, she speaks up, voice quiet, but deadly calm, “When Derek’s father died, even my own brother cried more than I did. I shed one single tear upon his last breath. And that was it.”

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