All I Wanna Do

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“At first, it was the typical cliché shit... It was two years later and I was still grieving over Paige.” While he sits on the end of his bed, Derek finds the words easily spilling from his lips; finds it so much easier to talk to Stiles than his own damn Alpha; his own mother.

He glances up from his sketchpad, shoots Stiles a smile to let her know that he’s OK when he sees her soft look of sadness in her eyes. His heart skips when she flashes a small and encouraging smile back.

He looks back down at his sketchpad, tries to focus on sketching her without focusing too much actually on her, herself, and losing himself again.

(Not that he’s complaining.)

(But Stiles is waiting patiently as he draws her.)

“I was at some nightclub. My friends dragged me out; told me they were sick of watching me mope around.” Derek continues as he lightly brushes the pencil over the paper–he finishes off her eyes before moving onto those pretty pink bowed lips.

“But the typical thing happened–they all had fun, while I sat and moped at the bar instead.”

He smiles to himself when he hears her sweet laugh.

He begins shading and toning her bottom lip and those adorable mouth dimples as he tells her, “That’s where Kate comes in...”

Stiles gulps silently, but keeps herself composed.

She’s still lying back, elbows popped up on his pillows, hair fallen behind her shoulders, her neck on full display. And even with a shirt underneath, he can’t help notice that her left dungaree strap has fallen loose...

Derek finds himself staring again, quickly looks back down at his sketchpad to continue his work. “I, uh...” He blinks rapidly, focuses himself (maybe takes smaller breathes to keep from breathing her in too much...)

Derek clears his throat before he goes on.

(And here he thought the problem would be actually talking about Kate...)

“The cliché part is how perfect she seemed. I know it’s usually the guy’s job, but I gotta admit that she swept me off of my feet. Showed me how to have fun again...” He smiles sheepishly, because the tiny hint of jealousy he scents on Stiles makes him feel...well, good.

Well, sort of...

Only, when Derek glances up at her and sees the small wondering frown on her sweet face, he thinks of how he would feel...

Derek scowls, firmly tells her, “But it was all a lie, right from the moment she laid eyes on me. I was just too blind to see it.” And as much as he blames himself for falling for it all, he still understands; “Monsters like that are usually real good at pretending they’re anything, but the monster that they really are.”

At that last sentence, her eyes snap back to his, and again, Derek feels like he’s been punched in the gut. He almost asks her what’s wrong, but she’s forcing on a smile and nodding at him with a look that tells him she understands more than he realises.

Stiles catches the look of concern on his face and sends his a small smile of reassurance, letting him know she’s good.

She pushes all the bad memories of a certain evil that once took over her whole life.

Right now, she thinks, this is Derek’s turn to tell his story.

Stiles brightens her smile a little more when she sees he’s still eyeing her with worry.

So, for now, to put his mind at ease, she simply tells him, “Story for another day.”

Derek glances down at the half drawn out face of Stiles, then, looks back up at Stiles’ actual face.

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now