Good Mistake

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“The library will be warded, too. You can get in, but you won’t be able to defend yourself.” Gerard reminds, watching with a secretive smile.

Allison straps her quiver across her back, throws the strap to her crossbow over her right shoulder, and then, with a smirk, she picks up the small metal box and tells him, “That’s what this is for...”

Gerard chuckles, proudly states, “You thought of everything.”

Allison’s smirk widens into a determined grin before she turns to make her swift exit.

“Oh, wow...” Stiles’ mouth slowly drops open as she stares around in awe, the moment she steps foot inside...

They’re stood on the second floor, which has all four surrounding walls lined with shelves of books. The second floor opens out as a balcony rather than an actual second floor.

It’s not this great big hall that Stiles imagined from fricking ‘Beauty And The Beast’, but it’s still twice the size of his father’s basement space.

She takes a small step, peers over the intricate metal railings to see a stunning fireplace, more shelves of books lining literally every wall, the cutest floral rugs beneath polished wood flooring, a desk stationed behind a couch, and a couple of comfy looking chairs seated either side.

It all looks very cosy and quaint.

Stiles smiles to herself, her eyes quickly adjusting to the dim lights when Derek flicks them on behind her. He walks over to join her, and she smiles wider as he slips a hand into hers and gives it a soft squeeze.

“So, I heard that you’ve never even returned a book passed it due date...”

Stiles glances up to see him smirking cheekily.

She chuckles, shakes her head, “Of course you heard that.”

Derek’s grin widens as he says, “I’m surprised my cousins in India didn’t hear you with the way you were panicking.”

Stiles scowls. “I wasn’t–“ Then, smiles curiously and asks, “You have cousins in India?”

Derek rolls his eyes with a smirk. “Come on.”

He leads her towards the metal spiral staircase, gently tugging her down behind him. He lets her hand slip from his as she hops off that last step, feeling her eagerness to explore.

He smiles to himself as he watches her almost tiptoe carefully around.

Stiles takes in the glass drinks cabinet, fully stocked with various expensive looking wines and liquors. She takes in the Aztec statue up on the mantle above the fireplace. She takes in the fireplace itself, the most old-fashioned one she’s ever seen, she briefly wonders what time it came from. She takes in the small coffee table, neatly stacked with a tray of a pretty looking China tea set.

If she didn’t know this wasn’t a personal space, Stiles would be softly teasing him about his decoration choices right now.

Instead, she’s turning back around and heading towards a section of shelves that catches her attention; Japanese folklore and mythology.

Derek’s smile slowly disappears and a frown settles on his face as he notes the slightly trancelike expression in her eyes.

He grits his teeth to keep from saying anything. He lets her look...and maybe wants to see what she will do.

‘Fire, Irony & Ego.’

“You have no moves left, Stiles...”

Stiles’ eyes narrow in on the title and before she can even think about it, she’s already plucking the book from the shelf and opening it up. She doesn’t even know what made her pick this particular book up when this wasn’t the only one she saw that was clearly about kitsunes.

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now