All Sorts

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Stiles can’t explain it. She’s not vain.

The drawing looks exactly like her.

Only, somehow, she thinks her sketch self is beautiful in comparison to her.

She would feel like a total let down, if Derek had just drawn her from memory. But the fact that he was taking in her every fricking detail and putting it to the paper...

“My God–the detail...” Stiles whispers in awe, her eyes taking in every little line and smudge. If she looks close enough, it even looks like–she gasps softly, eyes widening as she looks at him and says, “You even drew my pores.” She shoots him a teasing scold, “If my skin wasn’t so flawless, I think I’d be a little offended by that.”

Derek chuckles, dips his head, but this time, keeps his eyes on her face. “’s good?”

Stiles rolls her eyes at the tiny flicker of his cheeky grin.

Though, she’s grinning back and nodding eagerly. “It looks like a fricking black and white photo, Der–yes, it’s good. “ She giggles at his proud smile.

“Your hair is amazing.” Derek chuckles lightly through a blush, nervously scratches at the back of his neck when she blushes, too, but shoots him another beaming smile.

“I just mean... I’ve never seen hair that big before...” He winces. “No, I didn’t mean that...”

Stiles giggles, gently placing the sketchpad behind her before she slowly crawls back onto his lap.

She wraps her arms loosely around his neck, smiles dopily down at him as his arms encircle her waist and he stares rather hopelessly up at her.

“I told you I’m no good with the smooth talk.” Derek mumbles, even pouts a little as he dips his head again, and this time, takes in a lung full of her scent from the base of her throat.

Stiles sighs contently, tightens her arms around him as her knees press against the sides of his perfect backside. “It’s ‘cause you’re thinking too much before you talk.” She shoots him an understanding grin before telling him, “Trust me, I’m somewhat of an expert on that kinda thing.”

Derek puffs out a chuckle, lifts his head to stare at her. “OK.” He nods. He looks rather thoughtful before he’s smiling shyly again as he says, “When I’m fully shifted, my senses are strongest, so...those first three days I spent with you...well, actually, from the moment I laid eyes on you, before I even caught a whiff of your scent...all I wanted to do was bury my nose in that magnificent lion’s mane of yours.”

Stiles fights back the intense urge to lean forward and smother his lips with her own. And that’s only because he apparently hasn’t finished speaking yet–sorry–wooing the fuck out of her without even realising...

“And in the woods, with the wind blowing through it...” Derek slowly lifts one hand from her waist to her bury it in her thick and frizzy locks. “Blowing your scent all over the damn place... It took everything in me not to just show you who I was and beg you to let me scent and mark you all over...” He mumbles, voice growing quieter as he leans in a tiny bit and lets his eyes flutter briefly as he softly breathes her in. “I’ve never had to fight not to shift quite like I did this afternoon...”

Stiles is now fighting with the urge to squeeze her thighs together as his eyes spring open, completely black and entirely intense as he stares almost hungrily back up at her.

Stiles silently clears her throat, her cheeks on fricking fire, but that’s not the issue. The issue is her goddamn pussy fricking throbbing with complete desire while she’s sitting on top of said desire.

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now