The Orb Of Alma

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Unbeknownst to Stiles, outside of her mind, Derek is practically screaming her name—and meanwhile, inside of her mind, very frigging known to her, Stiles falls onto her side from her choking as the nogitsune runs over to her.

“Stiles? ...Stiles!”

Void doesn’t know what’s happening, because the bitch is blocking his link to Stiles right now. He doesn’t know how the fuck she’s even doing it, but right now, he’s more concerned with trying to hold his entrails inside of the gaping wound in his gut, while he tries to keep Stiles alive.

He keeps one arm pressed over his middle, his other hand reaching for her chin as he crouches down in front of her.

Though, when she desperately grabs at his arm and holds on for dear life, they both almost topple over. He somehow manages to keep them both upright, but can no longer deny the blatant horror he feels over seeing her this way.

She’s struggling to breath, sputtering and choking and wheezing and turning slowly red-to fucking blue. Her eyes are what scare him the most, the fear and panic he sees looking right back up at him. He’s almost struck by the way she holds him tighter and stares up at him with a pleading look.

The only time she’s ever pleaded with him for anything when she did so to take her instead of her father; to leave him be and possess her instead (which was always his plan, and it worked so perfectly, her offering, her even begging him to be with her.)

For a moment, it doesn’t make sense to him, why the she fox would hurt her own host.

...But then, he’s snarling as he says, “Your friends won’t hurt you, even if they fight you.”

That much, he remembers from the time he possessed her.

“She’s likely hurting herself to prove how serious she is.”

It’s what he would do...

“Stiles, you must use her invasion to your advantage–you must separate your mind from your body, it’s the only way she can’t physically hurt you.”

Stiles’ eyes widen in horror as she furiously shakes her head–all wheezing now, not even able to choke.

Void nods, is firm but reassuring as grips her shoulder tight, looks her in the eyes and tells her, “Yes. Separate, not sever. You must. Just do it now. Just stand up, and take a deep breath.”

“C... C–“

(She fucking can’t!)

“Yes, you can, or we both die!” Void snaps, slightly terrified sounding.

Stiles manages to glare at him while feeling dizzier and dizzier by the moment.

Void pauses, smiles sheepishly and says, “Apologies. Not being selfish is going to take some getting used to.”

Stiles rolls her eyes...which is a bad move, because it makes her roll them for real as she begins to slowly pass out.

“No!” Void snarls defiantly, grabbing her up to stand by the elbow, and then, slapping her harshly in the face.

It works like a charm–Stiles heaves in a breath, just to glare in shock and yell out, “WHAT the FUCK was THAT?!”

“Oh, thank fuck...” Void breathes a huge sigh of relief as he plops back down onto his ass.

And now that Stiles has registered what just happened–“Whoa...” She stares down at him, eyes now wide with shock and a little bit of pleasant surprise.

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now