Christ On A Cracker

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Stiles’ eyes dart frantically around as she makes sure the old man is gone. Thankfully, he’s already nowhere to be fucking seen.

Stiles turns to...


Her eyes slowly widen.

This is Derek Hale...

Her childhood love.

The boy she never truly forgot.

The boy who probably never even knew she used to exist back then.

The man...the wolf...

“Breathe. I’m not gonna hurt you.” Derek whispers through a slightly pained gasp as he sinks down onto his ass. He covers his junk with one hand and keeps his knees pressed together. His other hand is still pressed over his wound.

And it’s the strain in his voice that makes Stiles finally snap out of her chaotic thoughts.

She slowly pushes herself up and crawls over the dead leaf littered ground towards him.

Derek stares back at her as she stares up at him. He would smile at the fact that he’s now having to look down at her, but his eyes are too wide and slightly bewildered as he loses himself in her beauty.


Derek fights back a wince as he waits for her to lay into him. Which he thinks she has every damn right to.

“You’re hurt.” Stiles whispers, slightly shaky as she chances a brief glance downwards (both avoiding lingering on the blood and those incredible muscles underneath.)

Derek looks surprised, but then, a small smile tugs at his lips. He puffs out a quiet chuckle, glancing briefly down at his blood covered hand covering his blood covered stomach. He looks back up at her, smile widening, expression softening into fondness. “I’ll heal.” He whispers back, too afraid to talk any louder or move any other muscle.

Stiles nods, then, frowns–and Derek thinks he would do anything to see her just smiling and grinning and laughing at him again.

Meanwhile, Stiles knows it’s stupid, but she feels a sort of loss towards the wolf...

Towards Maxie...

Stiles feels her throat clench with her chest, but she takes a silent breath and forces on a scowl at him as she says, “After that lovely interaction we just had with that asshole, I get why you were trying to hide. But you know what Scott is. I told you who my mother was. Why didn’t you just tell me who you were? I know we barely know each other, but even Max knew he could trust me.”

Derek opens his mouth and clamps it right the heck back shut again when she scoffs and bitterly adds, “Sorry, Derek. You’re Derek Hale, right?”

Derek timidly nods, weakly smiling as he mumbles out, “Yeah, but I...I liked the name you gave me.”

He sees he almost gets her to smile, but then, she’s forcing herself to glare at him instead.

He fights back letting his head fall limp just so he doesn’t have to look her in the eyes.

“Unbelievable.” Stiles huffs out before pushing herself up to stand.

Derek manages not to whimper at the thought of her leaving him. Though, he still hates how desperate and fearful he sounds when he instantly asks her, “Where are you going?”

(It’s not even just about the way he feels for her. At least, not anymore.)

(Now, it’s about keeping her truly safe. Which means, going back to the pack...)

Goddamn it, Hale. Look at the fucking mess you’ve made.

Stiles pauses her movements at the sound of his soft tone, her heart melting as she fights to stay strong.

(He is still nowhere near off the hook. He owes her an explanation, if anything.)

Stiles takes a deep breath, calms herself before telling him, “I’m gonna go fetch the Jeep.”

Derek relaxes, maybe even feels like smiling. Instead, he sighs through the relief and the pain he still feels as he says, “Don’t damage your baby, because of me.”

He sees the recognition in her eyes before it switches to fondness, and then, even quicker, she switches back to a glare.

“I can walk.” Derek promises with a small reassuring smile.

“Are you...sure?” Stiles eyes him with concern.

Derek smiles faintly and nods. “Yeah. The bullets already pushed themselves out. I’ll be OK in an hour or so.” His heart instantly sores over that small but clearly relieved and happy smile tugging at her lips.

“OK.” Stiles breathes, her cheeks now slowly heating up as she realises all over again that he’s totally butt naked... “Um...”

Derek quickly catches her staring. He smirks very briefly, can’t help feeling smug and proud as he watches her for those two seconds as she eyes him with a subtle, but clear appreciative gaze.

“No, uh...” Derek carefully and slowly pushes himself up to stand, his skin prickling slightly at the sound of her soft gasp. “No funny business, I promise.”

Stiles feels her cheeks heat ever more as he tilts his head, motioning down to both his hands covering his...stuff.

Her eyes quickly snap back up to his face (after using that split second to take in every sculpted inch of him.)

Christ on a cracker...

“I... OK.”

Smooth, girlie.

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now