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Derek wakes up with an angry snarl ripping from his throat.

He’s on his feet in an instant, fangs on full display and glowing blue eyes darting around. He sees no signs of a struggle, but most importantly, he doesn’t see or smell Stiles anywhere!

OK, he literally has her scent all over him and over various surfaces in his library, but that isn’t the point right now!

Stiles is gone!

And it’s his fucking fault!

If something happens to her because of him, he’ll kill himself before his own mother/Alpha even has time to think about doing so herself.

“FUCK!” Derek snaps loudly.

He rushes towards the staircase, but pauses when he realises he’s still naked.

“FUCK!!” He snaps even louder, making a sharp U-turn for his clothes.

“Fox Fire, you’re really pissing me off right now!”

It’s a good thing that Scott is naturally good at multitasking, because he probably would have crashed his mother’s car by now.

One hand is gripping the steering wheel, his other clutching his grandma’s diamond ring up to his face. He’s half glaring at the ring with impatience, and half paying attention to the (thankfully not too busy) roads.

Not to mention the fact that he’s also, waiting for Laura to answer her fucking phone, his own phone squashed in between shoulder and left ear.

“Fox Fire, I summon you back, you prick!!” Scott growls and huffs when there’s not so much as a hum or flicker of light from the ring.

“Fuck!” Scott is about to hang up and call his mother to ask ‘what the fuck?’, when Laura finally fucking picks up.

“Fuck–hey! Where are hell have you been!? I’ve been trying to call you for the last half hour!”

(He doesn’t mean to snap–he’s just trying to stay fucking calm right now!)

“Uhh, on my way home from my gynaecologist. The hell is wrong with you, Mister Impatient?” Comes Laura’s snooty retort.

Though, she laughs after she hears his quiet groan.

“OK, right, sorry...” Scott shakes his head, shaking off his stupid awkwardness. “Gerard is gonna use Stiles to lure Derek out, which will lure out your mom, but no matter what she does, your mom CANNOT leave your pack home for the next twenty-four hours, because if she does, Gerard is going to kill her, and you won’t be the next Alpha, you’ll all be fucking dead!”

“Scott, breathe!” Laura finally cuts firmly in. She waits for him to do just that, then, calmly replies, “Gerard is a hunter. Normal people need specific objects of great power–the very thing you need to take out a whole pack like ours was lost over a century ago.”

“Oh, really??” Scott scoffs loudly, flipping off some idiot who tries to overtake him before snapping back at Laura with, “Then, why the fuck did I have a two second vision of Gerard holding The Orb Of Alma–the real fucking version of Marvel’s goddamn Soul Stone–in one hand and your mother’s throat in his other hand!?”

There’s a small pause before Laura’s surprised tone fills his ears, “You have visions? I thought kitsunes only reached that kind of power on their ninth tail... How many tails do you have? Four? Or was it five?”

“Five! And focus!” Scott snaps back, “Just go home and stay the fuck there and make sure your mom stays there, too, no matter what!”

Laura scoffs back this time. “You really think I’m just gonna let you go alone? Exactly how stupid do you think I am?”

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now