What This Is

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“Because Derek is the one–the only one–who was able to wake your spark up.”

She says it like it’s some big revelation, with a big smile on her face, but Stiles couldn’t be more irked by this whole ordeal.

[OK, so, most family reunions suck for people, but you’d think reuniting with your dead mother–who you loved and missed so much–would be going a lot more smoothly. Y’know–all roses and daisies and rainbows and ponies, and shit.]

Claudia’s eyes sadden a little, but she’s still smiling as she says, “After the nogitsune’s power didn’t work, I felt utterly hopeless.”

[But the more Stiles listens, the more she’s starting to wonder if she should wake up already and smell those goddamn roses...]

It takes a few moments, probably because she doesn’t want to believe it could be true, but when the wheels finally start turning the right way in her mind...

[But she’s afraid that all she’ll find is the shit...]

Stiles’ expression slowly falls, her heart beating slow but heavy, almost feeling like it’s about to shatter her ribs. “You... He was right. You...”

And then, once her anger has quickly caught up to her devastation, Stiles’ eyes narrow into a furious glare. “You? YOU sent–inflicted that fucking MONSTER on me?!”

“No. No, I sent him to you. I–“ Claudia’s smile vanishes; looks stung when she reaches out a hand and Stiles steps firmly back.

“Are you fucking serious? You SENT him to me?! You SET an evil plague loose on me and dad and my friends! I killed people, mom!” Stiles trembles on that last word, barely able to look at her so-called mother.

“No, you didn’t! He killed them, NOT you, OK? He–“


Stiles yanks her hand away when her mother grasps at it, glaring at her as she says, “Not to me. They were my hands. I still watched the light go out in the eyes of those people... And I still have the nightmares of their deaths waking me up sweating and crying, NOT of what he did to me.”

Claudia is finally speechless. Even with all she still wishes to say to her daughter. All she ever wanted to do was make her darling daughter; her darling host happy. It is the least she can do in return. But for the moment, her heart is aching, almost unbearably then when Stiles says–

“You made me less of who I am, just so you could make me powerful, like you. But I’m not you. And I’m not dad either. You infected me, and I’ve never been the same person I was since.” Stiles stands her ground...from herself, because she knows if she doesn’t say this all right now, she won’t be strong enough to again, let alone probably never having the chance to.

Claudia stands there, head hung low, but eyes still glued to her daughter’s perfect face as she speaks of the horror her own mother (that she) inflicted on her own child. (Maybe she should just give this part up. Maybe he was right.)

“Was I not good enough for you?” Stiles is barely holding on to her tears as she manages to ask that question.

“What?” Claudia’s head lifts immediately, her eyes widening with confusion before softening with guilt at the sight of her girl’s wobbly bottom lip. “Why would you–“

“First, you don’t want me to have my powers, so you take them away from me. And then, you send an evil spirit my way to fricking jump-start my powers; the powers you took from me.” Stiles is back to glaring while sarcastically adding, “Did you just hope for the best, huh? Hoped he wouldn’t kill me and all my friends? Or even better–you hoped my friends were enough to distract him from turning on me, too?!”

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now