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“You... I... You... Hm.” Derek frowns, not knowing what to think, let alone what to say. He just hopes his reaction isn’t freaking her out even more.

Stiles blows out a humourless chuckle. “I know I probably should’ve started my story at the beginning, but...yeah.”

Derek takes a breath, makes himself look completely collected (for her sake) as he takes a seat on her couch, staring up at her calmly as he reiterates what she has just told him; “So, 3 years ago, you were possessed by a nogitsune, who made you do horrible things to your friends and family, and who, once you managed to defeat him, still has a traumatic hold over you to this day, and now...” He tries not to look just outright disagreeable, looks more confused when he ends with, “Now you wanna bond your soul to this asshole??”

Stiles winces, smiles sheepishly when she says, “Well, when you put it like that...”

“I just–“ Derek purses his lips, sulks slightly as he reaches out to slip a hand into hers. “He’s still a trickster.”

“And he’s still an idiot. What’s his point?”

Stiles clamps her mouth shut hard to keep from smiling, but fails anyway.

Derek scowls knowingly before muttering, “Is he mocking me again?”

“Uhhh...” Stiles smiles sheepishly again when her wolf glares and huffs.

Derek gives her hand a squeeze, rising to press his lips to hers. He’s smiling slightly, too, but he looks worried now when he says, “I think as well as talking to Scott, we should talk to my mother. She knows everything about pretty much anything supernatural.”

Stiles nods. “I was actually gonna ask you if I could talk to her anyway.”

Derek nods, presses his forehead to hers and lets his nose bump against hers. He looks into her large and bright amber eyes, glad when he sees no hint of the nogitsune there. He’s even happier that he can’t smell the damn fox either, though, he is intrigued by the subtle change of her scent. Not fox. But not fully human anymore either.

“Maybe not that much of an idiot after all...” Void doesn’t give any explanation, but Stiles can feel his intrigued and how he’s slightly (begrudgingly) impressed with her wolf.

Derek smiles, presses that smile to her lips with another few kisses. His hands move to her waist, holding her subtly in place. He pulls back just enough to look at her. He smiles now at her cute little pout, chuckles as he leans back in for a quick peck.

He presses his forehead back to hers, closes his eyes, breathes her in deep, then, opens his glowing blue eyes up on her.

Void scoffs his chuckle, scoffs his word out: “Finally.”

Meanwhile, Stiles is confused by the sudden look of amazement on her wolf’s face. He pulls his head back to seemingly get a better look at her with those glowing blue orbs of his.

She smiles nervously back at him, fidgets awkwardly for a few moments, then, finally snaps with a huff.

“Earth to Derek...??”

He snaps out of it when she waves a hand in front of his face.

Derek blinks back to himself to see her glaring suspiciously at him. “Sorry.” He barely manages to mumble out.

Stiles scowls, folds her arms over her chest and fixes him with a hard stare as she asks, “What do you see?”

Derek’s eyes widen. “Uh,” He chuckles breathlessly, now letting her go and taking a few steps back. Though, he isn’t backing away from her, simply backs up enough to take her all in at once.

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now