The Nerve Game

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“You ready?”

She simply nods.

“You don’t have to do this.”

She shoots him a withered look with a hint of a teasing smile.

“Just checking. And you can stop me at any moment. It won’t hurt either of us.”

She simply nods again.

Scott nods back, offers an encouraging smile before closing his eyes and focusing all his senses.

It’s only been an hour since Scott left (abandoned him), and only a few minutes after that, Derek had noticed the nogitsune acting a

He can’t say how exactly. He just knows that something has changed. He scents no change, however, senses nothing out of place–of course, other than Stiles already being “misplaced.”

It started with the lingering looks, filled with obvious mischievousness. Here and there. Thrown his way, whether he’s looking or not.

It levels slowly up to personal questions being asked, and Derek keeps his mouth shut, specifically on the ones like, “so, how many orgasms do you think you could give Stiles before she passed out?” or, “do you think you and Stiles will breed loads of cubs?” and (his personal favourite), “have you fucked her up the ass yet?? You should know, she really wants you to.”

He even frowns a little on that last one, and not because of it’s vulgarity, but because the articulation here is all wrong. This sounds nothing like how the nogitsune speaks.

Yet, when he flashes his eyes in a warning for the fox to shut the fuck up, he uses the advantage; checks their aura, but sees nothing different than before.

Void clamps his mouth shut, rolls his eyes and scoffs out, “Sorry. Jeez.”

Derek eyes the fox suspiciously before huffing and hauling himself up from his girlfriend’s broken couch. “I need to pee.” He points a warning finger at the fox as he firmly tells him, “Do not leave this house.”

Void barely fights back a smirk while lifting his hands and mockingly bowing his head in surrender.

Derek scoffs out a sarcastic chuckle before heading towards the downstairs bathroom–he’s not taking any fucking chances.

...Even so, he’s only gone for a minute and a half (he counts the seconds), but when he returns, the slippery bastard is nowhere in sight.

“Shit.” Derek mumbles, though, stays himself from panicking this time. Instead, he uses common sense; uses his nose to sniff the fox out.

Only, this time, when he scents the fox, there’s the subtlest change to it.

An added pheromone...

A...a female.

(Curiously, though, more alarmingly, it isn’t Stiles...)


He shivers uncomfortably at the flirtatious purr of his name. The wolf inside him shifts anxiously, telling not to go, instead, to just lock her in there; protect from afar.

(Which is a fucking weird feeling, because he’s a frigging wolf. His kind do not do subtlety when it comes to protecting their own, let alone their mates.)

Derek takes another bigger whiff of the scent, but this time, it’s no different than before–just the hazy messy mix of Stiles’ and the nogitsune’s scent. And at that, the wolf inside of him returns to overprotectiveness–feels like it’s clawing its way out of him to get to Stiles again.

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now