Horny As Hell

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On the first day, Stiles calls her father.

On Talia’s orders, Stiles tells her father everything that’s going on before handing the phone over to Talia and letting her explain the rest. Noah, is understandably very worried about his daughter, so, Talia, being the understanding person she is, tells him to stay on high alert (without actually alerting Gerard that Noah knows he’s back) and that her pack are watching over him, too.

On the second day, Laura calls her mother to tell her that Gerard knows about Scott.

Stiles, is overstatingly worried. And yet again, Talia manages to calm her right back down; tells her that Deaton has already warded his and his mother’s home, as well as the veterinary practice and the Beacon Hills Hospital (where Melissa works.)

On the third day, Scott calls Stiles.

They assure one another that they are OK. Scott tells her about his days in the practice, while Stiles tell him about Derek and the rest of his family. They talk and laugh and profess how much they miss one another. And for a while, it doesn’t feel like Stiles is hiding away from everything (like a coward.)

On the fourth day, Gerard goes missing.

It’s an eerie feeling...once the initial relief and hope have faded, and left in there places is one big fat dread...

It’s the fifth day now as Stiles gradually awakens from her slumber.

She rolls over in Derek’s bed, only to find him gone, yet again. She chuckles to herself, rolls her eyes and smirks amusedly, because; “He’s still such a gentleman.”

Each night, she falls asleep on his bed, in his warm embrace. And each morning, she awakens and finds him snoring softly down in the basement.

(And if the house wasn’t full of his family members at any one given time, Stiles would probably start to feel kind of bummed out about it; about him leaving her every night as she sleeps... She’s pathetic, she knows.)

This time, Stiles rolls her eyes at herself before hauling her ass out of his bed. She takes a moment to neatly arrange his sheets and pillows before padding over to his door. And today, she really is feeling too lazy to slip on a pair of Cora’s jeans.

(She’s wearing a pair of Cora’s pyjama shorts underneath one of Derek’s old high-school gym shirts–it’s at least enough to cover modesty, or more importantly, it’s, at least, enough to not give off a bad impression to any family members she could potentially run into on the way down to her wolf...)

Her wolf...

Stiles pauses at the thought, smiling softly to herself, because she likes the sound of that.

Even better, though...Derek has already made it pretty clear that that’s just what he is...

“I know it’s stupid, and definitely selfish, but I really do miss when it was just the two of us... When it felt like you were just mine...”

Stiles had said those words to him, just last night, while she was snuggled against his side. (And also, because she felt braver saying it in the darkness.)

But then, it hadn’t even mattered. None of her worries did, because then, he was telling her; “I am.”

And OK, Stiles had been confused for that first split second, but only because she was still nervous as hell after saying something like that (after just a week and a half of knowing him.)

Yet, when Stiles had timidly asked, “You are what?”

Derek had chuckled and pressed a kiss to her cheek before telling her, “Yours.”

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now