Join Your Sweetheart

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“You...” Stiles’ eyes soften again.

But Derek is already screwing his eyes shut, and pressing his forehead to hers as he hurriedly mumbles out, “I know we’ve only known each other for a few weeks, but apparently, when you’re a werewolf who finally meets their mate, time doesn’t mean shit, because I’ve loved from the moment I laid eyes on you, and I know that sounds completely insane, because it sounds kind of insane to me, too, but being with you, Stiles?”

Stiles sucks in a sharp and almost painful breath at the adoring and loving way he’s looking at her then–all previous nerves and doubts in his expression, seemingly removed and replaced with happiness and conviction.

She can only hold her breath as he continues with his lovely words. Hold her breath, and stare back at him in awe and wonder.

“It feels anything, but insane to me.” Derek smiles, one hand raising to play with a few strands of her soft hair. “Meeting you finally makes me feel like all of the crap that’s happened to me was worth it; that I just had to get through all that pain to know I was even still worthy of someone like you.”

And that’s where he loses Stiles, because she’s suddenly screwing her face up and shooting him a highly unimpressed look. “Dude, you make me sound like a princess, or something. There is no winning me over. I ran you over, remember?”

She rolls her eyes at his annoyingly cute little smirk of amusement.

Stiles smiles softly, tells him, “I like you, because you’re honest, funny, sweet, smart, annoyingly handsome, and not to mention, quite the talented lover.”

She grins cheekily at his adorable blush and coy smirk. She almost scoffs, though, because...damn, her pussy is still throbbing like it’s still being pounded...

Stiles fights back a shiver as she wraps her arms around his shoulders and pulls him in for a kiss.

And when she pulls back just enough to mumble a shy, “And I love you, too, by the way...”

(And for now, she will put a pin in the whole him-meeting-his-mate part of his lovely speech for later, when he’s not stupidly doubting himself.)

...Well, first of all, Derek’s heart feels like it instantly explodes with happiness. Then, his eyes widen with that feeling of happiness as his lips easily pull up into a stupidly dopey (he’s pretty sure) grin.

She chuckles as his hands fly to grip and affectionately squeeze at her hips before he pulls her flush against him and presses their lips together again.

“Awh. So sweet, I could actually vomit right now. But still...sweet.”

Stiles only registers the new voice when Derek instantly pulls away from her and swirls around with a loud and angry snarl leaving him. Her eyes widen in shock as he gently shoves her behind him, making her tip back onto the couch.

Derek’s heart almost dropped at the tone of which those words were delivered. His mind flashes back to all the horrible things Kate used to sneer at him.

Stiles stares at Derek, then, finally darts her eyes up to the balcony when she sees a slim dark figure slowly walking out of the shadows. She strains to see, her eyes then widening when she realises who is it.

She’s never met the woman, but Stiles instantly recognises that sharp jaw and high cheek bones from Chris, as well as that cold and dead gaze from the creepy old man Stiles knows this woman calls her grandfather.

(Not to mention recognising the sound of her voice from the phone call she made to Derek just over an hour ago.)

Derek’s snarl breaks Stiles of her thoughts, but the casual tapping of that small blade in the woman’s hand against the balcony keeps Stiles’ attention even keener.

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now