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The Hale Manor is even bigger inside than Stiles remembers. Though, it’s a lot less chaotically busy than she would have expected.

Talia leads the way to the large dining area.

Stiles’ eyes widen briefly at the sight before her–every last member of the Hale pack is literally devouring the banquet laid out for them. Some are fighting over various bowls of food, others are chatting and laughing. They mostly seem to be in their own world, but they all look so happy.

(Stiles swears she isn’t jealous...)

Especially when they all suddenly stop and look up at Derek.

Stiles watches with a small smile as they all cheer his name, and blushes when a few of them tease him and ask him who she is.

A few of the members make a move towards Derek, but Talia quickly shoots the entire table a warning look.

(Stiles finds it awesome. How one look can keep an entire room in place.)

(She’s also glad that Derek doesn’t see this little interaction. His mother is obviously trying to protect him from all of their questions.)

(Stiles may love this woman already. She’s so much like of what Stiles remembers of her own mother.)

“Make room. This is Stiles. I’m sure some of you remember her being here when she was just a little thing.” Talia takes both Derek and Stiles’ hands out of her own to join theirs together. She smiles happily as their fingers automatically entwine. She turns to face the rest of the pack and proudly tells them, “Stiles is Claudia’s girl. The hidden member of our pack has returned to us, finally.”

Stiles feels her heart skip several beats, because does she really mean that? I’m...I’m a part of their pack...their family...

Derek sends Stiles a soft and reassuring smile when he hears her heart beginning to race a little; when he feels her doubts and anxiety, like they are his damn own.

Peter arches a brow. He glances around the table and smirks knowingly to himself as he looks back to his darling nephew–who looks a little love-struck, to say the very least. Though, Peter seems to be the only one who catches his sister’s hidden meaning in that shifty little tone of hers. He fights back a chuckle and digs back into his dinner.

“Stiles??” One male–that looks to be around her own age and that she somewhat recognises–looks up her with the bluest eyes of confusion she’s ever seen. “Didn’t we used to call you ‘Mischief’?”

Stiles stiffens at the name, only briefly. But Derek is still giving her hand a little squeeze and giving her another one of those cute (heart stopping) smiles.

Stiles forces a smile onto her own face as she tells the guy, “Yeah, but I, uh... It’s what my mom used to call me, so...y’know...”

“Oh, shit. Right... Sorry.” He smiles sheepishly as Derek shoots him a “shut the fuck up!” look.

“Well, it’s good to see ya again. I’m Isaac, by the way. I used to sit behind you in Math class. I can tell you’re trying to place me in your head.” He adds with a cheesy grin.

Derek only fights the roll of his eyes because he’s caught up in watching Stiles’ perfect face break out into that perfectly blinding smile again.

(And he doesn’t even care about the stupid knowing looks on any of his pack’s stupid faces...)

(Fuck, he missed them all so much.)

(He’s so glad Stiles finally made him come home.)

“Is it OK if I sit with Isaac?”

Derek blinks, surprised by her asking him first. He smiles fondly, nods eagerly. “Of course.” He lets her hand slip from his (as slowly as possible), then, feels his heart flip as she sends him a wide grin before going to sit next to Isaac.

“Hey, fat-ass, move up.” Isaac roughly nudges his shoulder against his cousin’s–who scoffs loudly, slaps him up the side of the head, calls him a, “curly headed little fuck!” and then, proceeds to do as (rudely) asked.

Talia chuckles as she grabs another chair from the kitchen.

Laura comes down the stairs just as her mother is bringing the chair in. She smiles and grabs it for her mother as the two then walk back in to join the rest of their pack.

“Hey, mom, I told Scott she’s here.” Laura tells her mother, voice just low enough for them to hear (or at least, for Stiles not to hear.)

Talia nods. “OK. Good. I don’t want him worry about her. I don’t want him anywhere near the pack until we find Gerard. I will not risk any more lives. The Argent’s don’t know about the McCall’s. I would very much like to keep it that way. You tell him all of that, if you have to. And you tell him that Stiles is under my protection. But you keep him away from here, until I say otherwise.”

Laura nods firmly. “Yes, ma’am.”

Talia scowls and chuckles. “Darling, you’re not in the army anymore. It’s, yes, mother, or yes, alpha.”

Laura fights a roll of her eyes, smirks and nods. “Yes, mother.”

“Lovely. I did miss that sarcasm of yours.” Talia smirks back, playfully elbowing the girl in her side.

Laura chuckles, throws her arms around her mother’s waist. She presses a kiss to her cheek, but her smile is slowly fading as she asks, “And what about the Sheriff?”

“I want you and Peter watching him around the clock.”

Talia knows she can trust her brother with her life, but she also knows he’s got a bad habit of acting on his more impulsive side.

But her first born, on the other hand, well, Talia knows if she died tomorrow, the pack would be in just as good hands with Laura.

(She also knows that she would never forgive herself if something bad were to happen to Stiles’ father, especially under her protection.)

Laura nods. “I’ve already eaten, so, I could go now, if you want?”

Talia nods back, presses a kiss to her daughter’s forehead. “Be careful, darling.”

“I’ll call if something is about to happen, and howl if something is happening.” Laura says before making her swift and silent exit.

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now