The Person For You

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Derek breathes out through his nose, not wanting to pull away, not even for a split second. He grips at her hips, fighting the urge to move her against him as she continues with her sweet but heated kisses.

Stiles suppresses a frustrated groan when he makes no further moves. Instead, she encourages him, finally, slips her tongue out and runs it across his bottom lip. She barely has to flicker the tip of her tongue along the seam of his lips before he’s parting them with a breathy sigh. Stiles tightens her arms around his neck as his hands give her hips a soft squeeze.

Derek shivers; practically melts against her. He feels her tongue collide with his, feels her hips rock, just a fraction, against his. He gives her hips a firmer squeeze, pulls her just close enough for her to feel how crazy she’s making him. He smiles coyly back against her lips after she breathily mouths, “fuck,” against his own.

Stiles presses her chest tightly against his, shivering and moaning softly as her hardened nipples press and scrape against her shirt. She can feel his hard chest pressing warmly back and can’t help leaning further into him.

And obviously, he feels her lack of a bra–pulling his head back, just a fraction, smirking and making her flush even harder before he dives back in to claim her mouth.

“Ugh! I can hear their lips smacking!” Isaac winces through his mouthful of ice cream.

It’s dessert time for the rest of the family, but apparently, Derek is having his dessert before his dinner...

“Nobody’s making you listen, you perv!” Cora snips before picking up her napkin, balling it up and throwing it at him.

Isaac catches it just in time, shoots the young she wolf a smug smirk as she merely rolls her eyes at him.

“Enough.” Talia silences the laughter that breaks out at the table. “No earwigging. Where are your manners? All of you.”

“Sorry, Alpha.” Isaac mumbles, he and a few of the others lowering their gazes in shame.

Talia rolls her eyes, but is smiling amusedly to herself as she begins to collect up the dirty dishes.

Isaac quickly scoffs down the last of his ice cream before he makes himself useful. He rises from his chair and begins to help his Alpha clear up.

Talia sends him a forgiving smile before turning and making her way towards the kitchen. Though, when she hears the usual members of the pack rushing up to their rooms to get ready to head back to work, she doesn’t forget to call out; “Pack, remember we’re on high alert. Keep your senses keen.”

The usual chorus of; “yes, Alpha,” gets diligently thrown back down to her, but Talia can’t help chuckling to herself as she hears little Leah snarling out the words, “I’m gonna kill the bad man who hurt Derek!!!”

That’s predictably followed by her mother’s loud and tired sigh, then, followed by the girl’s mother muttering in annoyance, “I’m gonna kill your father.”

“You leave daddy alone!”

“Ugh! Shut up and get your shoes on, you little dweeb.”


“ Hey! No! Leah! Goddamn it, I’m gonna be late!”

Talia purses her lips to keep from laughing when she hears little Leah’s little pitter-pattering feet rushing back down the stairs and into the living area.

Isaac blows out a breathy chuckle as he joins his Alpha in the kitchen and places the rest of the dishes down in the sink. “Remind me never to have kids.” He mumbles just low enough for the two of them to hear (he does not need an angry working mother she wolf on his ass) as he begins to rinse of the dishes.

Talia chuckles, ruffles his curly locks before she begins helping him by loading the rinsed dishes carefully into the dishwasher. “I bet you won’t be saying that when you finally find the person for you.”

Isaac gives it a little thought after noting the far away longing look in her eyes. “I know it’s probably a stupid question, but, do you still think about him? Derek’s father, I mean.”

(The man died two years before Isaac was born. And all he knows about him is that he was human, was Talia’s father’s Emissary, and was pretty much like his wife; kind, loving, caring, compassionate, courageous, noble...the list goes on.)

Talia smiles softly, his perfect smile flashing through her mind (so much like Derek’s smile.) She nods, whispers, “All the time.”

And now, Isaac regrets asking. Even if Talia is always loving and enthused over talking about James, Isaac still feels guilty for making her think about him; making her miss him.

Isaac nods, smiles sheepishly, mumbles, “Sorry, I just...just been wondering, lately...what it would be like to find that someone.”

Talia’s smile brightens, her hand lifting to give his shoulder a soft squeeze. “Maybe they will find you.”

“Maybe.” Isaac scoffs quietly, but feels hopeful as he simply nods again.

Before Talia can wrap him up in a comforting hug, her phone begins to vibrate. She plucks it from inside of her bra, smirking when Isaac chuckles and shakes his head.

However, when she sees the name on the screen, her smirk withers away.

Caller ID:
Gerard Argent...

Isaac feels his Alpha stiffen behind him before he even turns around to see her eyes flashing briefly red.

“It’s him, isn’t it?”

The stiff look she gives is enough of an answer for Isaac.

He lets out a soft growl, glaring angrily as he says, “Lemme talk to him.”

“No.” Talia quietly, but firmly commands, “I’m taking this call in my study.” (The only room in the house warded with soundproof magic.) “You make sure nobody interrupts. But most of all, make sure Derek and Stiles stay occupied with one another.”

Isaac nods firmly back. Though, he’s always too curious, so, he can’t help asking, “What’re you gonna do?”

Talia takes a deep breath before calmly stating, “Remind him who he’s dealing with.”

Isaac grins. “Awesome, mama.”

Talia’s serious exterior cracks enough for her to chuckle.

The Hell You Came From [Derek/FemStiles]Where stories live. Discover now