Silence, Traitor!

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Luxord was mad. No, furious. Seething with rage. He stood in the center of his room, breathing heavily through his mouth as he stared at the disaster before him. His room looked like a cyclone went through it and he growled when he realized his cards weren't there either.

"I'm going to kill the son of a heartless who stole my special cards!" he yelled to no one in particular.

He muttered a few curse words as he stomped out of his room, moving down the hallway to the room next door. Demyx. When he opened the door, all the rage fueled confidence died off inside him and he let out a girly squeal when he saw the giant spider braiding Demyx's hair on the floor. And Demyx was braiding its hair. Luxord actually gagged.

"Hey, Luxy!" Demyx cried, waving his hand furiously in an energetic wave. "Have ya met my new friend?"

Luxord didn't say a word and instead just summoned his Cards.

"Hey, cool weapon, bro," Experiment #57 said with a grin.

"I'M GONNA MESS YOU UP, BLOODY SPIDER!" Luxord yelled and raised his cards to attack.

"Noooo!" Demyx cried.

Before he could actually land a hit on it, though, Experiment #57 shot a spider web out of its butt straight at Luxord, trapping him within the web.

"Oh, bloody hell, this is my second worse nightmare." Luxord said, struggling in the web.

"What's the first?" Demyx asked, not sensing the severity of the situation.

Luxord shivered and answered, "You really don't want to know."

Demyx and Luxord were suddenly interrupted by chuckling... evil chuckling... Demyx gasped as he realized the chuckle was coming from Experiment #57.

"I know that chuckle!" Demyx cried, pointing his finger. "You're a bad guy! You've been a bad guy all along and you didn't tell me! This friendship is so over!"

Experiment #57 merely chuckled again... evilly... "Fools!" It said. "I tricked you into thinking I liked you, Demyx, so I could take you out! And it worked too!"

Demyx gasped and put a hand over his "heart". "Y-You're saying you never liked me...?"

The spider rolled its eight eyes and sighed. "I'm saying that I've hated you the minute I walked through that door and saw that mullet on your head," it deadpanned.

Luxord scoffed from his spot on the floor and muttered, "Ain't that the truth..."

Experiment #57 begin to laughing... evilly... and said, "Now not only have I taken out one member, I'll also have taken out two members! The boss will be so proud!"

Demyx was staring glumly at the floor the whole time and, to Luxord and the spider's surprise, summoned his Sitar. He lifted his head slowly and glared menacingly at Experiment #57. Luxord couldn't believe his eyes. Demyx was glaring.

I'd take a photo if I could... he thought. But my hands are immobile... and I don't have a camera... Damn it...

"Whoa, what's up with the scary face, man?" Experiment #57 asked, nervousness creeping into its voice.

Demyx lifted a finger and pointed it at #57.

"Silence, traitor."


Xemnas blew a strand of silver hair out of his face as he studied the ceiling with great interest.
I've never noticed that stain up there... he thought.

"Xemnas, what's taking Saïx so long?" Vexen wondered.

Xemnas gritted his teeth and said, "Why? Do you want him return sooner with Lexaeus so I can get him to knock this damn door off its hinges and kick your sorry ass?"

It was silent on the other side of the door for a moment before Vexen said, "Tansy is going to repeat those words, you know..."

Before Xemnas could cuss out Vexen, he heard someone running down the hallway and quickly turned to see who it was, hoping it was Saïx with Lexaeus. He sighed and slumped his shoulders when it was only just Demyx.

"Xemnas! Xemnaaaas!" Demyx said once he was standing right in front of him.

"WHAT?" He growled.

Demyx seemed unfazed by Xemnas's bad mood and frantically began explaining everything.
"Xemnas, there's another Organization trying to take over the castle! They're kidnapping our members one by one and plan on sacrificing us all to Monstro!"

Xemnas's eyes went wide and he suddenly flashed back to the time he noticed Axel being dragged down the hallway by that red eyed, mutant rat.

"WHAT?!" Vexen yelled on the other side of the door. Suddenly the door flung open and Vexen popped his head out. "This is terrible! I should've known they'd do this!"

Xemnas glared at him then socked him in the jaw. "That's for causing all this mess!"

Vexen rubbed his jaw with a frown.
"Technically I'm not the cause of all this. It's her."

Just then Tansy skipped out of the room and hopped into Xemnas's unsuspecting arms.
"I'm hungry!" she chirped.

Xemnas sighed and said, "Whatever, Vexen. I'm still blaming this on you."
Vexen slumped his shoulders with a scowl.

"So what do we do?" Demyx asked, looking from Vexen to Xemnas.

"Well, first we have to gather up our remaining members," Xemnas said with a determined look.

Demyx gave him a puzzled look and said, "What are you talking about? I meant what are we gonna do about Tansy being hungry? I'm hungry too!" Xemnas thumped Demyx on his head with a frown before continuing.

"Once we gather everyone up, then we go seek out this other Organization, take each member down and save those who were kidnapped."

"Sounds good to me," Vexen muttered. "Let's begin searching."

"Hungry," Tansy stressed.

"After we feed Tansy, I guess," Xemnas muttered with a sigh.

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