A Package?

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As soon as the doorbell's jingle vibrated throughout the entire castle, everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and listened. When it was over, the castle was washed in silence. Then, out of nowhere, everyone busted out laughing. All except for Saïx, Lexaeus, and especially Xemnas, who didn't find the doorbell's ring to be very funny. The doorbell rang again, making Xemnas go red in the face with fury when he had to hear it again.

"Princess Unicorn Bunny Kitten Angel... the most beautifulest in the whole wide world!" It said for the second time. Xemnas stormed out of his office and began interrogating the first person he ran into.

"Lexaeus, what is the meaning of this?!"

Lexaeus shrugged. He was on his way to the kitchen to grab a snack after disappearing during the arguing. "Try Axel." He said, then continued on his way.

When the doorbell rang for the third time, Xemnas had had it and just decided to go answer it so that the awful song would just go away. "I swear I'm going to kill that stupid pyromaniac red-head when I find him." He muttered. "Who could be at the door anyways?"

When Xemnas swung the doors open to the castle with a ticked off expression, he was greeted with nothing. Feeling confused, he scratched his head and glanced around. Then he heard a shaky, "D-Down here."

He looked down and noticed a very scared and confused mailman wildly swinging his head around at the unique setting of The World That Never Was. When the poor mailman found out that he had to deliver a package to The Castle That Never Was that afternoon, he felt like a part of him died inside. He was utterly terrified of the place. So, here he was, delivering a humongous package to The Castle That Never Was.

"I-If you'll j-just sign h-here, p-please." He stuttered, shakily holding up his clipboard with the paper. He just wanting to her out of there. Xemnas's gaze was intimidating and the way he towered over him like that was not helping him feel any better at all.

Xemnas sighed, not really noticing, or caring, about the mailman's clear fear and anxiety. "It's probably just another prank from one of the fools in this castle. Last week, that tiger Axel sent almost killed me."

"S-Sir, please s-sign this paper. I-I've got a wife and kids at home. I-I'm just a lowly mailman! Please don't devour my SOUL!"

Xemnas raised an eyebrow and held his hands up. "Woah, woah, slow down. I'm a nobody, not a demon..." He muttered, bending down to sign the paper.

As soon as he finished, the mailman snatched the clipboard away and took off running, screaming like a wild banshee. Xemnas rolled his eyes and wheeled the cart with the heavy package on it inside the castle. I better go find that suit of armor I stole from Beast's Castle a few weeks ago, He thought as he rolled it towards his bedroom. He was not getting mauled by a ferocious animal again.

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