What is Going On?!

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"Vexen, Tansy, open this damn door right now!" Xemnas yelled, pounding his fist on the door to the lab. Saïx stood behind him with his arms crossed, looking bored. He even let a yawn escape his lips.

I am so done with living, he thought.

Xemnas stared at the door for a few seconds, waiting for a response of some kind, but was only greeted with silence. He grit his teeth and slammed his fist on the door once, earning a girlish yelp from the other side.

"Shh, Vexy! He'll hear you!" Xemnas heard a voice whisper. He rolled his eyes and muttered to Saïx, "Go get Lexaeus. Let's pray to Kingdom Hearts that nothing's gotten to him yet." Saïx simply nodded and slunk off down the hallway.

Xemnas puffed out an irritated sigh and leaned against the door with his arms crossed over his chest.
"I hope you two realize that I am not leaving this spot until this door opens!"

He heard a groan from the other side of the door and Vexen say, "We are never gonna get out of here!"


Saïx wondered down the hallway, in search of Lexaeus, with a stoic expression on his face. He was honestly tired of all the chaos going on in the castle and couldn't wait to find Lexaeus, so he can hand him over to Xemnas and watch him fix the problem.

As he rounded the corner, though, he was nearly blown off his feet by a stench so powerful, he actually started to gag. And gag... and gag. He had to drop to one knee, the smell was so strong.
"W-What the hell is that?" he managed to cough out.

Unfortunately, he soon found out what it was. And he was not pleased. A skunk, that was slightly larger than any normal one, flew in on the back of a giant stink bug. It was the second ugliest, most hideous thing he ever laid his eyes on, the first being Luxord on Leif Erikson Day (hinga dinga durgen!). His jaw dropped and before any words could escape his lips, another powerful wave of the stench filled his nostrils and he was knocked out cold.


Somewhere in the castle, there was a room. And not just any room. A room that had no lights on. A room only lit with the glow of the many computers displaying all the chaos going on in the castle. There were thirteen chairs that were in a circle. Only nine seats were filled. Shadows covered their faces due to the crappy lighting.

Suddenly, tall figure sitting in one of the chairs chuckled... evilly. "Soon that crappy Organization XIII will be eliminated. Then... my Organization shall take over The Castle That Never Was!"

The other nine figures, began to chuckle... evilly... at his words. The tall figure chucked along with the others... evilly... and said, "Next on the list: Xigbar."


Xigbar honestly had no idea what was going on in The Castle That Never Was. The members of Organization XIII were disappearing, one by one, and he couldn't exactly figure out why. He paced around the kitchen, hungry and alone, wondering what the hell was going on.

"I know it can't be that they all went off on missions... we haven't had breakfast yet!" he muttered to himself.

After a few more moments of grumbling to himself and pacing, he groaned and leaned against the wall. "Critical thinking is hard!" he whined. As he sulked against the wall, a quiet noise suddenly caught his attention and his eyes snapped to his feet.

Staring back up at him was... a garden gnome? He recognized it as the missing garden gnome Marluxia lost a year ago from his garden and cautiously picked it up. How did this just randomly show up at his feet after missing for a whole year? Xigbar narrowed his eyes at it and rubbed his chin as he studied it closely.

Something isn't right here... he thought suspiciously.

Suddenly, without any warning, the garden gnome's seemingly permanent, ceramic smile turned into a big frown and its eyebrows furrowed in a glare. With a growl, it drew its tiny ceramic fist back and socked Xigbar right in the eye, making him cry out in pain and drop the gnome.

"What the actual f-"

The garden gnome cut him off by climbing up his body until he stood on his shoulder and clamped a hand over his mouth with an... evil... smile.

"Night, night, laddie!" he said in a thick Scottish accent.

Then Xigbar felt a strong blow to the side of his face and soon darkness swallowed up his vision.

The last thing he heard was the garden gnome chuckling... evilly.

I can't believe I just got knocked out by a freaking garden gnome, were his last thoughts.

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