Congradulations, Saïx

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Saïx crossed his arms as he explained, "I can just tell."

Xemnas got on one knee, in front of the girl, and poked her right in the cheek. She didn't stir, so he felt it safe to pick her up.

"We've got to have Vexen check it out so we know for sure." He said as he tried to figure how to lift her up.

"Um, so how do you lift up a child...?"

Saïx rolled his eyes and just threw her over his shoulder like a rag doll.

"Like that."

With that, he turned on his heel and left the room.


"Yep, she's human." Vexen said stepping back from the metal operating table.

The little girl still hadn't waken up and didn't stir once while Vexen poked and prodded at her.

"But, how?! Why did a human girl arrive in a package here?! With no air holes cut into it?! She could've died!"

Vexen rubbed his temples and sighed. "I don't know! Why don't you ask her when she wakes up?"

Just then, Larxene poked her head into Vexen's lab.

"Vexen, I need you toー"

She stopped short when she noticed Xemnas, Saïx, and Vexen all in one room together and smirked.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't know something yaoi was going on in here!"

All three of them glared at her. Her eyes moved from them to the operating table and she gasped.

"Woah, wait, is that a kid?! Xemnas, did you get Saïx pregnant?"

"Whatー NO! Get the hell out, Larxene!"

Larxene snickered a little and quickly left.

"Great. Now she's going to go tell the whole castle that I was pregnant." Saïx said flatly with a scowl.

"That doesn't really matter right now. What matters is what we're going to do about this girl."

The three stood there in silence as they each thought of what to do.

"I say we use her as a guinea pig." Vexen declared.

"NO!" Xemnas yelled. "She's only, like, five!"

Vexen shrugged.

"I say weー"

Saïx was interrupted by a big gasp that came from the door.

"So you did have a baby, Saïx!" Demyx said, running up to Saïx.

He began vigorously shaking his hand and kept repeating, "Congratulations!"

"No wonder it seemed like you were constantly PMSing for the past nine months." Axel said, strolling inside.

He knew good and well that Saïx didn't really have a baby, but just loved ticking him off every chance he got. Unfortunately, Demyx really thought he had a baby.

"Aw! She's so cute! Aren't babies cute? I love babies! They giggle and cry and fart and wet their diapers! Oh, andー"

Saïx hit Demyx in his pressure point, making him pass out and shut up.

"Thank you." Vexen said, rubbing his eyes.

"So, what's the baby's name, Saïx puppy?" Axel wondered, smirking.

Saïx glowered and held his hand up.

"Don't make me do the same to you." He grounded out.

Axel ignored his threat and began poking the girl in the cheek. "Seriously, though, what's her name? And where did she come from? She's seems pretty awfully small to be a nobody."

"Because she's not." Xemnas said. "And I have no idea where she came from. Or what her name is. She came in a package and I thought it was another wild animal prank you pulled on me."

Axel began laughing and said, "Oh, that? Yeah, that package is coming in tomorrow."

Xemnas frowned.

Just then, another loud gasp came from the doorway and everyone turned to see Xion with her hands to her mouth, smiling widely. She ran up to operating table and shoved Vexen out of the way to look.

"A little girl! Oh my Kingdom Hearts, she's adorable!"

Roxas came in shortly after her and squeezed in around the operating table to take a look also.

"Wow... she's so small." He said.

Xion poked her in her bare foot and giggled when she twitched a little and pulled her foot away in her sleep.

"She's ticklish!"

"You're really nuts about her, aren't you, Xion?" Axel wondered.

Xion grinned and said, "Yes! Are we going to keep her? Can we keep her? Please, Xemnas?"

Xemnas froze since that idea hadn't even crossed his mind. Xion stared at him with big pleading eyes.

"Uh... well..." Xemnas feeling a bit indecisive and Xion could tell.

It's time to pull out the big guns... She thought, sighing.

She looked down at the floor for a second, then brought her face back up and practically blinded everyone there with her super puppy dog face.

"I-It's so bright... yet so sad!" Axel said, shielding his eyes.

"She looks like a kicked puppy!" Vexen said in disbelief.

"How does she do it?!"

After a few more minutes of trying to shield themselves from the cuteness of Xion's puppy dog face, Xemnas threw in the towel.

"Alright, alright! We'll keep itーI mean her! Just stop with the puppy dog face!" He yelled, silencing everyone.

Xion stopped and replaced the face with a bright smile.

"Thank you, Xemnas!"

And with that, she ran out of the room to go tell everyone. "C'mon, Roxas, Axel! Let's go spread the word!"

They both laughed and followed, Xion's happiness being too contagious.

Saïx turned Xemnas when they left and said, "Well, if that's the case, I'll go put bed sheets on the bed in that room by Xion's."

On his way to the door, he stopped by Demyx, lifted his legs up, and dragged him out of the room.

"I can't believe we're keeping a human girl..." Vexen muttered, organizing his chemicals.

"Yeah, well, I can't believe it either." Xemnas said, reaching for the girl. "It can't be hard though, right? We can keep her until we find out who she belongs to."

As soon as Xemnas picked the girl up like Saïx did, she woke with a start. She swung her head around wildly and gave a small gasp when she realized she was being hung upside down.

"Uh, Xemnas? I think she's awake." Vexen said flatly, pointing to the girl on his shoulder with a scalpel.


Xemnas quickly lifted her off his shoulder and placed her back down on the operating table. The girl took one look at a brain floating in some kind of green liquid in a jar and did what basically any other small child would do.

She cried.

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