Demyx's New Special Friend?

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That next morning was a beautiful day. Well, as beautiful as The World That Never Was could ever get. Demyx woke up with a smile on his face and said, "Today's going to be a great day!"

His big smile remained on his face until he stepped out of his bed. Then it just died right off his face and he let out a piercing shriek. Xemnas, who was all the way on the other side of the castle in his office, jumped and dropped his tea cup.

"My Superior senses are tingling..." He muttered. Maybe if I just ignore it, whatever the problem is will just resolve itself. He thought, going back to typing up a report on a new heartless he spotted the other day.

He cringed when the same piercing shriek rung out throughout the castle and he gritted his teeth.

"So much for a few peaceful moments." He muttered, getting up out of his chair, completely forgetting about the broken glass of his tea cup he shattered earlier littering the floor. And unfortunately, that day Axel had decided to steel all his socks and shoes. So he was basically barefooted. As his foot made contact with the razor sharp pieces of glass laying on the floor, he let out a piercing shriek of his own and quickly grabbed his foot, which made him lose his balance and fall back.



Vexen stared at the floor in his lab with a blank expression on his face as Tansy ran around him, giggling like a maniac. There were empty glass bottles labeled DANGEROUS and FAILED EXPERIMENT everywhere and Vexen soon regretted leaving the little girl in the room alone for only two minutes.

"T-Tansy, why did you open those bottles?" Vexen asked, turning to her as continued to play.

"I wanted to set my friends free!" She answered, not even looking up at him.

"Y-You're... friends? Do you even realize what those were? Did you even read the labels?! There was literally DANGEROUS and FAILED EXPERIMENT written all over them! Can you READ?!"


Vexen stopped short and stared.

"Oh..." He said awkwardly. Then the sound of screaming reached his ears and he grimaced.

"Son of a heartless..." He muttered.


"D-Dance water, dance! D-Dance, water DANCE! DANCE, DANGIT!" Demyx yelled, randomly swinging his sitar from side to side.

There was a giant hairy spider that was even bigger than him just sitting there right in front of his bed. It's eight eyes blinked up at Demyx as he frantically continued summoning water clones from on top of his bed. They didn't seem to have any effect on the hairy creature though and one of its eight legs reached up to scratch its head in confusion.

"Uh, hey, man." It said, scuttling up closer to Demyx's bed. "Uh, can you chill? I'm not even poisonous." Demyx's jaw dropped and he accidentally let his Sitar slip through his fingers.

"Y-You can... talk?"

The spider nodded and held out a leg.

"The name's Experiment #56."

Demyx took the leg and shook it in an awkward hand-leg shake.

"My name's Demyx! Hey, how can you talk? And why are so big?"

Experiment #56 shrugged. "I dunno. Master Vexen made me this way. He called me a mistake though."

Demyx gasped as his hand fluttered to his chest. "What?! That's so mean! Don't worry, #56, you're not a mistake to me!"

Experiment #56 smiled as his eight eyes began to shine with tears.

"T-Thanks, bro. That means a lot coming from you."

Demyx hopped off his bed and gave the giant, hairy, red-eight-eyed spider a hug and said, "No problem, best friend!"

Axel, who was standing by Demyx's, unnoticed, the whole time looked on with his jaw dropped.

What the heartless did I just see...? He thought.

He turned around to leave, but then shrieked when he beheld the ugliest rat he ever saw. It hissed, pointed to Axel, then made a slicing motion with his hand across its neck.

"Aw crap..." He said.

To be continued...

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