It's That Time of the Month, Huh Larxene?

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"Ow, ow, ow! Damn it, Saïx, you know I hate hydrogen peroxide!" Xemnas yelled, glaring.

Saïx rolled his eyes and continued to dab Xemnas's foot with cotton. "I have to disinfect the wounds, Xemnas. How did you even manage to let this happen?"

Xemnas folded his arms and shifted in his seat with a grimace as Saïx finished up treating his cut up foot. "Something startled me was all. Do you have any idea what's going on in this castle? I've got a bad feeling in the pit of myー"

Xemnas was cut off when he noticed an unconscious Axel being dragged by a giant red eyed rat right outside the door to his office. Saïx didn't notice since his back was turned.

"Stomach..." He finished dumbly. "Uh... you know what? I'm just going to pretend I didn't see that."
"See what?" Saïx asked, turning around. The rat had already disappeared with Axel around the corner, so Saïx furrowed his eyebrows when all he saw was an empty hallway.

Xemnas nervously chuckled and answered, "Nothing, nothing..." Saïx raised an eyebrow and continued wrapping Xemnas's foot in pink gauze.

"Saïx, couldn't you have picked something manlier?" He asked after a moment, frowning.

Saïx didn't bother lifting his gaze and simply replied, "If you want a different color then don't tell Marluxia to go buy the first aid kit next time." Xemnas huffed and slumped in his chair.
Since it was still only morning, Xaldin strolled into the kitchen, ready to prepare breakfast. He was humming "Simple and Clean" and pulled out pancake mix from the pantry. Before he could even put it down on the counter, though, he felt someone snatch it out of his fingers.

"What the heー" He began, but then froze.

Xion, who wasn't looking too much like herself, hissed at him and ripped open the bag of powder, grabbed a handful, and shoved it all in her mouth. Xaldin's eye twitched.

"I don't know what's going on since I just got here, but I'm going to assume that I should just run."
Xion slowly nodded her head as she clutched the bag of pancake mix to her chest. Xaldin didn't even think twice and just started sprinting with Xion hissing and spitting curses right behind him.

Why did my day have to go horribly wrong so early?
Roxas was beginning to feel stressed. He couldn't find his two best friends anywhere and was just aching to go grab breakfast with them. He was starving. He stood in the middle of Axel's bedroom, perplexed.
"This is the last place he could be... either he left early or Saïx finally found a way to get away with murder." He muttered to himself.

He walked out of Axel's room, and was about to try Xion's, when he suddenly heard giggling coming from Demyx's room next door.

He couldn't be in there, could he? He hates Demyx!

Roxas decided to investigate and hesitantly opened the door, not knowing what to expect. The giggling stopped and Demyx stared innocently at Roxas while Roxas stared dully at the giant hairy spider, also known as Experiment #57 sitting across from him. It was silent there for a long time until Roxas awkwardly cleared his throat and shuffled his feet.
"Um, is there a huge mutant spider standing in the middle of this room?" He asked in a tiny voice. Demyx happily nodded while Experiment #57 waved.

"Sup, bro." It said.

Roxas looked down at the mess of cards scattered between and, once again, cleared his throat.

"Uh, and you're playing cards with it?"

"Yup!" Demyx chirped.

"And those are Luxord's, right?"

"Uh huh!"


Roxas slowly backed up, keeping his eyes trained on the spider till he was out the door.

"It was nice meeting you, buddy!" Experiment #57 called after him.

"I think I need a shower..." Roxas muttered.


Xemnas jumped and dropped his second cup of tea on the floor. He sighed as he watched it shatter and Saïx growled. He knew he'd have to clean that up again. Plus, those things were pretty damn expensive. Larxene stomped into the room, her face bright red with anger, and put her hands on her hips.

"There is a fire-breathing CROCODILE in my bathroom!"

Xemnas raised his eyebrows as if unsurprised and said, "Oh really? How strange."

Larxene balled her hands into fists and glowered. "You two stooges better put an end to whatever is going on in this castle before I tear your hair out and super glue it to your chins!"

Xemnas and Saïx glanced at each other with wide eyes.

"All the hot water is GONE because that stupid brat, Roxas, is sitting in the shower crying; Luxord's cards are missing and he's going on a rampage; Axel's missing; Vexen and your daughterー"

"She is not my daughter!"

"ー locked themselves in the lab and won't come out; and Xaldin hasn't even made BREAKFAST yet!" Larxene screeched.


"Better add that to the shopping list..." Saïx muttered.

Xemnas flinched and put his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright, I'll go try and solve this mess. Jeez..."

Larxene narrowed her eyes at him. "You better... or else THISー" She whipped out a bottle of super glue from her pocket. "Is for YOU."

And with that said, she stomped out of the room, muttering curses that would even make Satan cringe.
Xemnas and Saïx shared a look after a few moments of silence.

"PMS." They said in unison.

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