Rainy Days and the Sniffles

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The next day, Tansy woke up to a loud clap of thunder and shrieked. "Monster?"

Another clap of thunder startled her again making her scream. She tried wriggling out of the covers when she remembered that Xemnas "tucked" her in, so she was basically immobile. She laid there for a few moments, staring up at the ceiling until another clap of thunder sent her falling out of her bed. Luckily, the blankets cushioned her fall.

"It is a monster! And it's gonna eat me!" She cried as she struggled to get out of her blankets on the floor.

Eventually she just gave up basically inched her way, like a caterpillar, out the door.

Gotta... get away... from... monster! She thought, moving down the hallway.


Xemnas never really minded thunderstorms. In a way, they calmed him. So that explained why he was sitting in his bed, propped up by a bunch of pillows, while drinking chamomile tea and reading a good book. When the thunder boomed again for the umpteenth time, a blood curdling shriek made him drop his teacup and his copy of Romeo and Juliet.

What in the name of Kingdom Hearts?! He thought, jumping out of bed to investigate.

The power was out (don't ask how he was reading), so he had to summon one of his Etheral Blades as a source of light and opened the door. When he shone the light in the hallway, he jumped when he saw Tansy wrapped up in his blanket burrito, sobbing.

"D-Daddy! T-The monsters are here to get me!"

Xigbar's door opened and a very tired and confused Xigbar stepped out, rubbing his one good eye.

"What the heck is going on?! Is FIVE in the morning! FIVE! Xemnas, if you don't shut up, I'm going to take that Etheral Blade and shove it up yourー"

"Alright, alright! Not in front of the little human, Number II!"

Xigbar narrowed his eye and slowly shuffled back into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Xemnas turned back to Tansy, who was lying on the ground, wailing now.

"I-It's okay, Tansy..." He whispered, picking her up and carrying her inside his room. He unwrapped the blankets around her and let her climb into his arms. She was wearing a pink onesie with a bunch of cupcakes all over it which made Xemnas grimace. He awkwardly patted her back as he stared out the window and soon she calmed down and stared out the window with him too.

"Daddy, it's raining." She said.

Xemnas slowly nodded his head, not really paying attention.

"Do you like cantaloupes?"

He nodded again, still not paying attention.

"I wanna go play outside."

He nodded again and jumped when Tansy squealed and hopped off his lap.

"Let's go then, let's go!"

"O-Okay, go where?!" He asked as she tugged him by his finger to the door.

"Outside, to play in the rain!"



"Honestly, how the heck did you catch a cold like this over night?" Vexen asked, rolling his eyes as he took Xemnas's temperature.

Xemnas narrowed his eyes as he had a flashback.

"C'mon, daddy, c'mon!" Tansy said as the rain kept on coming.

It was ice cold and chilled Xemnas to the bone. With a deep frown, he took a step forward and slipped in a puddle. He landed face first in the cold water with a grunt of pain and after lying there for a few moments, yelled, "Oh, Kingdom freakin' Hearts, my freakin' face! Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Tansy tilted her head to the side and walked up to Xemnas.

"Daddy, I think you need Life Alert."

Xemnas just answered with a groan.

"Well, it only took me about two hours to crawl back to the castle since I was in too much pain to teleport as a tiny human sat on my back in the cold, merciless rain." Xemnas said, glaring at Vexen.

He spit the thermometer out and buried his head underneath his pillow. He really did feel like crap and just wanted to be left alone at that moment.

Vexen sighed and picked the thermometer off the floor and threw it away just as Tansy bounced into the room.

"Daddy, daddy, can we go somewhere? Go somewhere fun?"

Xemnas groaned and tried to chuck the pillow at Tansy, but got Vexen instead.

"Ouch! Hey, watch it, you imbecile!" Vexen yelled.

Tansy just giggled and hopped onto the bed, then started jumping on Xemnas's stomach.

"Play, play, play, play!" She chanted over and over again.

Someone just kill me now... Xemnas thought as he felt yesterday's dinner making a reappearance.

"Tansy, you know it's rude to jump on sick old men's stomachs." Vexen said, wagging his finger.

"What the hell are you talking about?! You're old too, idiot!" Xemnas yelled.

Vexen gasped and said, "Who are you calling an idiot?! And I am NOT old! I'm only thirty-five!"

"I find that one hard to believe!"

Tansy put her hands in the air, silencing the both of them and said, "Daddy, Uncle Vexen. You're BOTH old!" And with that, she grinned and skipped out of the room.

Xemnas and Vexen looked at each other.

"I guess we are both old..." They said simultaneously.

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