Saïx's Vacation!

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This was it. Saïx's big moment. He was going to do it.

"Superior," he said, walking up to Xemnas, who was sitting behind his desk. "Give me a vacation or die."

Xemnas didn't even look up from Axel's heartless report on the desk and simply said, "Sure."

Saïx's eyes slightly widened and he slowly put away his claymore that he had hidden behind his back. With a skeptical look, he said, "...Why are you so quick to agree?"

Xemnas sighed and looked up from the report. "Well, it has come to my attention that employers are required to give their workers vacation time... and since I've never given anyone in this castle a vacation before, I could be... arrested..."

"Are you serious?!" Axel said, popping his head into the room, a big grin spreading across his face. Saïx glared at him as Axel fully stepped into the room. He put a hand to his chin and closed his eyes in thought. "Hm... now which sounds better... Xemnas getting arrested or going on vacation." He opened his eyes with grin. "They both sound pretty damn awesome to me!"

Xemnas rolled his eyes and sighed. "Axel, I could have you arrested for packaging a wild animal and sending it to this address to attack me. We're BOTH in hot water!"

Axel cringed and held his hands up in the air. "...Alright, alright, let's go on vacation. I'm too pretty to go to jail!"

Saïx rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Well, if that's all, I'm going to go pack. I want to leave this forsaken castle as soon as possible." He couldn't wait to get to the 100 Acre Wood. It was calm and peaceful there—no heartless and very few inhabitants. He'll admit, Winnie the Pooh and his crew were annoying thorns in his side, but they were extremely gullible too and easy to avoid. Saïx couldn't wait for some well-deserved peace and quiet.

"Uh, wait a second, Saïx," Xemnas said weakly as Saïx quickly left the room. With a sigh, he shrugged his shoulders. "Guess he'll learn the hard way. Axel, get the duct tape, rope, and baseball bat ready."

Axel saluted. "Aye aye, sir!"


Saïx stared at the scene in front of him in cold silence, his head still throbbing. Roxas, Xion, Axel, and Tansy were playing in the ocean. Demyx was being bitten by a crab. Xigbar was laughing at Demyx. Zexion and Lexaeus were building sand castles. Vexen was testing the water's salinity. Xaldin was providing a cool breeze for the sun bathing Larxene. Marluxia was collecting sea shells for his flowers back at home.

But there was one problem with all of this. Saïx. Was. At. The. Beach.

"Ah, what a beautiful day..." Xemnas said, walking up besides the fuming Saïx.

"Superior..." Saïx began, his voice strained, "Why am I here?"

"Why?" Xemnas said, lifting an eyebrow. "Because we're on vacation! Isn't this what you wanted? I can tell you're becoming more relaxed already!"

Saïx clenched and unclenched his hands. "...And of all the worlds you could've chosen for Organization XIII to go vacationing in... why did it have to be the world that our greatest enemy was born and raised in?"

"Oh, you mean Destiny Islands?" Xemnas said nonchalantly. "Cause the hotels here are cheapest and everyone loves the beach!"

Xaldin's breeze blew up some sand that landed right in Saïx's eyes and mouth as he opened it to answer. He didn't even flinch; just narrowed his eyes and moved the grains of sand around in his mouth in disgust. "Not me..."

"And if you're worried about that key-slinging idiot, don't worry!" Xemnas said, slapping a hand on Saïx's shoulder. "He's fast asleep in Castle Oblivion right now, remember? So there isn't anything to worry about!"

Saïx let his eyes wander before rolling his eyes. "Except for that," he said flatly.

"Except for what?" Xemnas said, a grin still plastered on his face. His eyes followed where Saïx's was pointed in and his grin slid right off his face. "...Oh."

"Um, hello there," a teenage girl said, waving awkwardly at Xemnas with Tansy hanging off her back.

Tansy grinned at Xemnas before giggling and tightening her little arms around the girl's neck. "Hi, Daddy! Meet my new friend!"

Xemnas stared at the girl in horror.

The red hair... the blue eyes... the pure heart filled with light...


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