Bedtime Story

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"Wow, Saïx did a pretty good job cleaning up this dusty old room." Xemnas said, plopping Tansy down onto the bed.

She giggled as she bounced on the bed and quickly crawled underneath the covers. She popped her head out from under them and shouted, "Boo!"

"W-Wow... you really scared me there..." Xemnas awkwardly chuckled and started backing up towards the door, wanting nothing more than to get out of there and take a shower to wash all that chocolate off.

"Daddy? Where are you going?" Tansy wondered tilting her head.

"Uh, to my bedroom. Don't worry, it's only all the way on the other side of the castle. Not far at all."

And I'll have to walk all the way over there... He thought glumly.

Tansy was confused and asked, "Aren't you gonna tuck me in and tell me a bedtime story?"

Xemnas stopped moving groaned. "What? Tucking you in? A bedtime story?! But I'm tired!"

Tansy's eyes began to water and her bottom lip began to tremble at that.

Oh, crap. Now she looks like a kicked puppyCRYING!

"Alright, fine! All tuck you in and tell you a bedtime story!"

He quickly walked back to the side of her bed and stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Uh, so... do you remember how to get tucked in...?"

Tansy stared at him blankly, then asked, "You don't know how to tuck?"

"Uh, no..."

Xemnas started getting embarrassed.

I can't believe I can't even do something as simple as tucking a child into bed... He thought sighing.

"I guess I'll just tuck you in my way." He concluded.


When Xemnas was finished "tucking" Tansy into bed, he took a step back to admire his work.

"There. I think that's right."

Tansy giggled as she wiggled her toes. Xemnas just basically wrapped her into a blanket burrito. But Tansy seemed to like it, so he figured he did it right.

"Okay, now for a bedtime story." Tansy tried lifting her arms up to clap, but realized she couldn't because they were trapped underneath all the blankets she was wrapped in. Only her toes and head were free to move around, so instead she began tossing her head around and wiggling her toes.

"Yay!" She cheered.

I definitely did this tucking in thing right. Xemnas thought proudly.

"Okay, now for a bedtime story. Um, how do those go exactly?"

"It always starts with, 'Once upon a time'! There's always pretty princesses in it! And castles! Oh, and phone operators! And dragons! Andー"

Xemnas put a finger to her lips and said, "Thank you, I think I've got it now."

He cleared his throat and began. "Once upon a time, there was two very pretty princesses. Um, the eldest one's name was, uh..."

He glanced around the room and spotted a dresser.

"Dressy! Yes, Princess Dressy! She, uh, loved clothes! And her younger sister, Princess, uh..."

He chewed his lip as he tried thinking of a name and tasted the chocolate Tansy smeared all over his face.

"Chocolate! Princess Chocolate! She loved, um, phone operators! And chocolate! So, one day, the two princesses decided to go on a walk in the woods. Princess Chocolate brought her cell phone so she could talk to her phone operator and Princess Dressy brought her dresser with her to, uh, stare at her pretty dresses. Then, suddenly, a giant fire breathing dragon heartless came out of the trees! With, um, a castle on its back! The dragon incinerated the two princesses and they, uh, they died. The end."

Tansy's jaw was hanging when Xemnas finished and she blinked twice.

"Why did the dragon incinerate Princess Dressy and Princess Chocolate?" She wondered.

"U-Uh... because the princesses were actually evil ninjas! And, um, the dragon was a... dragon ninja cop! So, there!"

Tansy nodded, not really understanding at all, but didn't want to hurt Xemnas's feelings. He stood up from the bed and stretched.

"Good night, Tansy."

As he went to the door and turned out the light, Tansy smiled.

"Night, Daddy!" She called back.

Xemnas felt proud of himself as he made his way to his room on the other side of the castle.

"I am the best story teller ever." He said to himself, smirking.

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