Chapter Two

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Hey y'all! I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's a long one. With some skips here and there but I just couldn't stop XD

Again if I didn't like anything or something is mixed up from the first chapter, this is like a trial run for the moment. I will go back and fix the mistakes later. This was just a ranty/venty chapter and a few things might be strange/confusing to some. But I thought it was alright.


"Old friend, when I agreed to do this...I didn't mean to go into a bar full of drunken people," Optimus grumbled over the com-link as he walked over to the old building. Causing everyone at base to laugh.

"It is where we see our culprit travel to the most," Ratchet chuckled. He got no response which meant the Prime had cut off the com-link. Miko was giggling in the background.

Pushing the door open, Optimus winced as he heard loud shouts and cries. He tugged on his flannel a bit, which was now buttoned up and the sleeves were rolled up to just past his elbow. He also shifted the worn black hat on his head. Over the crowd he heard country music playing.

"Never in my onlining did I think I would be stepping into a bar...again," Optimus mumbled to himself quietly.

The bar was older, having wooden beams of pine wood, and cedar decorated the walls and counter. Warm lights lit up the room.

Looking around, the Prime could see a variety of folk sitting in the darker parts of the bar. His gaze fell onto one though. Her hazel brown hair was let down and a cap was on her head. She wore jeans, bulky work boots, a green flannel with a black tank top underneath. In her gloved hands was a beer that wasn't touched.

She looked down at the drink in her hands.

Walking over slowly, careful to avoid any of the drunken people, Optimus found himself recalling some of the features of the woman he had been told about. The most obvious bit was the scar on her nose. Stepping up in front of the table he asked slowly, "Is this seat taken?"

The woman looked up, and the Prime got what he was looking for, "Pardon?"

"Is this seat taken?" He asked again.

Eyes widening in surprise, the woman scooted her chair back a bit so the man could sit comfortably, "It's free if you wish to take a seat."

Sitting down in the wooden chair Optimus observed the woman for a moment. But just as he went to ask a question the woman spoke first, "What are you doing here?"

"Er...Work," Optimus replied, unsure of how to reply. He couldn't out right explain that he was a sentient being leading a faction of Autobots in a war.

Narrowing her eyes, the Prime realised they were a bright teal, "You hauling stuff up here?"

Tilting his head in confusion, Optimus asked, "Pardon?"

"You're a trucker," The woman explained, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment, "I see a lot of your folk come in here often. That type of clothing, the slight drag of one's feet as they walk, the tired look in their eyes, though you look more exhausted than most," Her eyes then narrowed and she glared at the Prime, "You better not be trying to get me in your bed..."

Azure eyes widening in realization Optimus immediately shook his head, "Primus no! Miss, I just wanted to speak to you."

Chuckling nervously, the woman breathed a sigh of relief before asking, "What do you need to know?"

"I would like to know your name, so long as you are okay with sharing it."

"Koda," She replied, pushing aside her drink. Engaging in one of the longest conversations she's had in a while, "What's your name Mr..." She managed to look out the window at the red and blue semi in the parking lot seeing the small logo on the side of its engine. It was easy to spot, since right now it was the only big rig in the lot, "Peterbilt? Or Mr. Trucker?"

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now