Chapter Nineteen

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This....whew this is a long one. And I'm sorry, but I have a bit of a confession..Optimus' holoform, since starting this rewrite, I've just been seeing him as Bucky Barnes (The Falcon and The Winter Soilder version). It just happened and welp, now I can't unsee it! So, whenever I'm writing the mister in his holoform I just imagine him as Buck. Understand that this is just my point of view. And it's completely fine if you see him differently! But I just wanted to let you know, not sure why but I guess I wanted to blurt that out haha. Regardless! I hope you enjoy the chapter. due to some topics, it was hard for me to write. As when I do write I am able to clearly see the scenes that I make. And also understand that ya girl ain't that great at the whole...nightmare thing yet, so stick with me on that, working on it *hands you a stick* Aight! Cool beanos, go forth and enjoy. Spoilers: Fluffy beginning :3 (later might be a few back and forths but it's fineeee) Koda isn't quite in tune with expressing how she feels meee XD

TW: swearing, torture, mentions of rape


A couple weeks had passed since the near melting of the Arctic. Everything was steady, Energon ratios were lowering at a consistent pace. Not a good thing to hear in the morning.

Koda awoke early, down the hall she overheard Ratchet and Optimus having a small argument over the precious fuel. Koda was far too drowsy to make out much, and moved off the couch to have a shower.

Staggering into the bathroom, she turned on the shower, letting the water warm up while she removed her clothes. Stepping into the shower, Koda sighed upon the warm water touching her skin. Never would she shower in cold water, unless she absolutely had to. Too many times Gipsy's hull had been broken into, the cold sea water nearly bringing her and Raleigh down.

She shivered at the thought of the dark stormy nights when they had to go out...

The thunder rumbling above them as the ocean tried to hold them back. The thunderous roar of the Kaiju that threatened their home...

"Stop..." Koda whispered, her head beginning to race as memories threatened to cloud her mind. She turned the water temperature up, the water; now hot, burning as it bounced off her skin.

The woman closed her eyes as she cleaned her hair. Opening her eyes to grab the conditioner and lather it on the ends of her hair. She let it sit while she washed her body.

A loud rumble came from the room next to her as she rinsed the conditioner out of her hair. She tensed up, her eyes closed as she focused on the warm water. Suddenly the temperature dropped a bit; Koda's now icy blue eyes opened. She looked down, her eyes widening as crimson flowed down her body.

"What is this?!" She screamed, her foot slipped on the wet tub beneath her and she fell onto the hard surface. The crimson water covered her body, staining it as she moved to shut the tap off. But it didn't budge, "Stop!!"

Blood came from the showerhead freely. Koda covered her ears as loud screeching filled her ears, the loud bangs continued.

Koda pushed herself up against the bathtub wall, bringing her knees close to her chest, trying to curl up into a small ball.

Drywall was pushed and cracked behind her, she forced herself into the broken wall...Trying to move away from the man in the room.

He knelt down in front of her, "It's okay, you're fine."

"Stay away!!" Koda screeched, her shoulders squeezed into the small space of the drywall. She brought her legs up to her chest, blood from a cut on her nose dripped down onto the bear pyjamas she was wearing. As the man reached out again she kicked his hand back, "Monster!"

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now