Chapter Six

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Enjoy ze chapter!
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, since I'm not all that great with battle scenes. But yeahhh, hope you guys like it!

And thanks again for the song recomendation @StarfireDragonStorm :D


Why did this have to happen?

Koda struggled to find her footing. All she could feel was fire, coursing through her veins, tearing her insides apart. No matter what, each time she was injected with the strange serum her mind and body would feel like it was set on fire. She yelped as she was brought back to the floor. Her legs gave way swiftly.

"If you talk enough sense, at least what you think is the truth, you're going to lose your mind," Stacker chuckled, pulling the woman back down to the ground easily, her weakened state making her prone to any damage that the Marshal wanted to inflict. She'd already lost everything to this man...

Her joy.

Her hope.

Her self-confidence.

He stole her family.

He violated her...

She was no longer an excitable, enthusiastic person, she was now a shell of her former self. Forced to do as the Marshal or anyone else says.

In the weeks following her family's passing, she'd been harmed, forced to work till she fell unconscious due to exhaustion, never allowed out of the Shatterdome, only for a drink in town, then straight back to base. Her mind and body ached. Her freedom, gone. She didn't know what to do anymore. Aside from obeying the orders she was given, if not then there would be a price to pay.

As her body fought to control the substance forced into her system, she could only watch Stacker. He loosened his grasp on her hair and gently pet it, his hand coming to stroke her cheek, a sinister grin upon his face, "Oh I do love that look of fear upon your face, knowing what is about to happen. Though I am curious, how does it feel, living a week of your life only to forget it, over and over?"

"W-what?" Koda stampered, moving from the man's grasp.

Stacker's hand moved to grab the woman's jaw tightly, his eyes narrowing as he waited for her eyes to glaze over.

Koda attempted to move but the man's grip only became tighter and more uncomfortable.

"It's not that he's not here sir, he's just...busy!" A hushed voice exclaimed as two pairs of footsteps neared.

Both man and woman looked in the direction of the voice. The Marshal swiftly rose to his feet, pulling Koda up with him. She stumbled slightly but remained on her feet, her dark drivesuit clanking slightly.

Around the corner, came a small male, trying to hold back a much larger man, compared to himself.

"I am a government agent, I demand to see Marshal Pentecost!"

Koda glanced up, her breathing hitched slightly as she watched a familiar face appear around the corner. Stacker's posture straightened as Fowler marched over to him, a stern look upon his face. He didn't dare glance over at Koda, knowing full well that the Marshal would know something was going on.

Shaking hands, Stacker's grip was tight on Fowlers, the agent's eyes narrowed slightly as the man in front of him spoke, "I was not aware that government officials would visit the premise," He glanced down at the shorter man who seemed to be frozen in place.

"General Bryce deemed it a well overdue visit. Special Agent William Fowler."

"Marshal, Stacker Pentecost."

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now