Chapter Thirteen

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Enjoy the chapter guys :D
Also due to a very unexpected event of having to put Link-belt down yesterday(he had a heart condition that we did not know about till yesterday, but he had a blood clot which paralyzed him and was untreatable, leaving him in a lot of pain. We didn't want him to suffer and said our final goodbyes to a very good cat who was only with us for two years...The last picture I have of him was when he sat in a box, and the last video was of him making biscuts on my leg) I now have a duty to protect Sebastain at all costs.
TW: swearing


"So, this is where you've been hiding..." A deep voice rumbled through the room.

Koda's blurred vision made it hard to see. The hospital lights were dimmed, though sunlight bled through the window. She turned her head slowly, it throbbed painfully as she looked in the direction of the voice. As she blinked again, her vision cleared a bit more, allowing her to see the dark figure in the doorway.

"I was surprised, your friends are smart, removing Gipsy's tracker," Stacker announced as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. He pulled a chair up to the edge of the gurney and took a seat. He grasped Koda's hand, holding it with a tight grip, the woman flinched at the touch, "But you should know that you'll never be able to escape us."

Her throat dry, unused since the afternoon before, Koda attempted to speak but failed. She tried to pull her hand away from the Marshal but her attempt was futile, his grip only tightened. He glanced across the room, noticing the silver arm on a nearby counter. He peered over the bed to see where the metal attached was covered up with the hospital gown Koda had been changed into. Her clothes were also situated with her detached limb. The Marshal was glad for that, knowing he might have been hurt, had she still had it attached.

"Your father is smart, he's been hunting down your little alien partners. Which in turn allowed us to track you down. I only wonder where you are hiding..."

Koda's jaw clenched as she narrowed her eyes at Stacker.

"Of course you wouldn't say, always a smart woman. Though I am fully prepared to do anything to pull that information out of you," He gently grazed his hand along her right leg, "As I have before."

When she tried to kick the man's hand away, a pain shot through her brain and she groaned through clenched teeth. Her hand was released as Stacker grabbed her jaw, forcing her to look at him.

His eyes traced over her ghostly pale skin, her dull eyes which held dark bags beneath them. His thumb traced over the scar that travelled across her nose and just below her left eye, "They said this might happen if you didn't receive your treatment. Let us fix that shall we?" Pulling his hands away from her jaw and hand, he opened his coat to grab a metallic syringe. As he moved to pull it out of the coat a shout came from the door.

"You can't be in here!"

Koda glanced at the door with a fearful look in her eye. She was met with a smaller woman, who seemed to be a few inches taller than Miko. This woman wore teal scrubs and had her jet black hair tied back in a ponytail. In her hands was a clear board with a paper clipped to it. She stepped into the room and pointed to the door, "Out."

Stacker rose to his feet, "Ma'am I am merely visiting-"

"You snuck in, against the rules Sir, and from what I'm seeing, she looks pretty frightened of you. Now I suggest you get moving before I call security," The nurse narrowed her eyes at the Marshal.

He nodded and stepped towards the door of the room, he glanced back at Koda, "I should expect you to be on your feet shortly," With a final hardened stare he stormed out of the room. Koda looked at the doorway, her body stiffened as she prepared to watch men stalk into the room, cuff her to the bed as her former commander stuck her with a needle, wiping her most recent memories.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now