Chapter Twenty

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Hiya. This is more of a filler chapter, which is fine! I just felt - after some consideration - that I shouldn't move onto Crisscross straight away. So...enjoy this. Pure, wholesome softness that came to my tired mind :D

You don't have to listen to the song, but I will say that I might've had it on repeat during most of the making of this chapter haha. Colter Wall might be a recurring artist ;)

Also, if y'all got some songs that you think would suit this book well, then drop em off and I'll shove them in for ya!


Two days had passed...

Koda's eyes; dull and barren of life, gazed up at the roof of the berthrooms ceiling. Too far up to catch any details of cracks or even the largest of spiderwebs.

She shifted on the couch slightly, the long sleeve hugged her as she turned onto her side. Her mind was a mess, fighting to forget what had happened, while memories tried to rush back. She didn't know what to do about it...

Black shorts covered her thighs loosely. Carefully Koda grabbed the small throw blanket which had been her only piece of comfort on the leather couch. It smelled nice, a scent that she was unable to describe even if she was forced to. Pulling the fabric up to cover her left shoulder, Koda sighed. Her eyes flickered closed for a few moments, sleep pulled at her; something she had been able to do since returning was get a good night's rest. When she allowed herself to fall into the darkness of her own mind, she would be forced to relive the times she had been used against her own will. Sebastian had remained close since her return, barely leaving her side for no longer than ten minutes.

Koda took a deep breath, gazing at the black TV, she gently pushed herself upright and onto her feet. Movements sluggish as she stepped into her small kitchen. She quite nearly slapped two pieces of bread together with honey and peanut butter. Stepping to the otherside of the kitchen she sat down on one of the two bar stools, shifting slightly to ease the very slowly disappearing pains between her legs.

As she finished her early breakfast, Koda looked at the wall blankly. It took a few minutes before she got up and moved to get dressed. It was a Thursday, and the kids were coming after school. They didn't usually come on a Wednesday, but she wasn't sure if Jack would make it, or if Arcee would be at the base today. June; the nurse who had helped her a few months back, was getting onto her son about him 'sneaking out'. Which resulted in Arcee having to abandon missions alongside her fellow comrades to ensure that her charge didn't get in trouble. It had only started at the beginning of the week and it wasn't going to let off soon, they were sure about that.

As she slipped on a pair of denim jeans, she slipped on a black tank top. Then moved to grab her limb from the counter. She paused, looking down at it. Her eyes narrowed slightly upon seeing it, the dark silvery grey melding with the blue streaks in between; it was a masterpiece. Yet...she didn't have the desire to use it...


Koda glanced at the door, her lips moving upwards slightly as Sebastain poked his helm into the room. His amber optics meet her icy blue eyes.

The Cybercat chirped softly, glancing down at her prosthetic before looking back at her. Koda sighed, whispering, "Just for you, alright? I know you like your pets."

Sebastian's optics lit up joyfully as Koda lined the prosthetic up with its small clasps. They clicked in place. Koda moved her arm around in a full rotation, another click emitting in the room. She clenched her hand into a fist a few times before relaxing it. Moving to her closet, she removed the red and blue flannel from the hanger and slipped it on, leaving the shirt unbuttoned as she rolled the sleeves up.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now