Chapter Three

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Thanks for the recommendation StarfireDragonStorm 🩵

Shorter chapter. Sorry about that!
I hope you enjoy it though :D

And I must say, after rewatching the Orion Pax saga (tfp season two, eps 1-3) I really feel like that would be interesting to include in this book. I kinda wanna have everything begin fully around an episode from season one. Preferably after episode 7, so if you guys have an idea throw er down! As I feel like I could merge something interesting there.

But also, why'd Orion have to be freaking adorable and curious in tfp?? Melts me soul >///<
And, I'm also rewatching RB, and kinda wanna have a few chapters surrounding Griffin Rock and the Rescue Bots. If you would be interested in that?

TW: light swearing

"And then he keeps injecting me with this blue glowing liquid!" Koda wiped a few tears from her eyes, "I don't know what to do...I'm losing myself. Hell, I remember seeing this guy at the bar the other day, but I had seen him before. I just don't...remember when. And I remember his truck, but that's all. No name, face, anything. I'm tired of that."

Over the phone General Bryce sighed deeply, "I'll help you kid. I've got some contacts that'll get you out of that hell hole. He's also got some friends who can help him out with this."

"Thank you Uncle. I didn't want to put you in this situation, it's just with what's happened over the past few weeks...Gipsy's all I got left of em'."

"You've no right to apologize, kid. I should have seen it earlier, I should've known that Silas was wrong to trust in the beginning."

"Hey, look at the positives, he did give me a second chance at life," Koda chuckled, grunting as she reattached her arm. She swung it around in a quick motion, resetting it as it locked in place. Her fist clenched a few times before going lax, "So what now? Pack a bag and book outta here with the truck?"

"Woah, take it easy Koda, this is going to take a bit of time. And I need to get in contact with Fowler to get his friends to help you out. That will allow you to bring Gipsy with you."

"Isn't that...stealing government property?"

"Technically the Jaegers belong to the government, we're just...bringing it home. Or to Nevada. Depends what you want to do."

Koda stopped in front of Sebastain as she set a picture frame down, the tabby rubbed against his owner's legs purring softly, "Wait - Did you say Nevada?"

"Yes," General Bryce replied, asking, "Why is that?"

The woman hummed, "That, I think that trucker said something about Nevada. It's blurry but I remember him, his truck and Nevada."

A light "hmm" was heard over the line. Though a loud alarm caused Koda to exclaim, "I gotta go!"

"Wait-" But it was too late, the woman had hung up.

Agent Fowler shuffled his feet as he stood in front of the General. Not sure about what he'd heard.

Turning to face the dark skinned man, General Bryce folded his hands together on the desk, "Apparently your 'friend' needs to have a chat with Koda."

Though Agent Fowler tilted his head in confusion, "One question sir, how do you know so much about the kid?"

"Thea, Koda's mother and I knew each other for a very long time. We were good friends. When I heard that she'd had a little un, I kept my eye on her."

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now