Chapter Eighteen

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Enjoy the chapter! Apologies for not including Predatory. I promise that Arachnid will get her bootay kicked, as I'm going to combine Operation: Breakdown and Crisscross in one chapter. Feel like that's the best play, I'm not really worried about how long this book ends up being lol.  Also rounded Gipsy to weigh around 660 tons. It's just a rough estimate, but it's as close as I wanted to get with her downsize.  Oh and mass displacement chips are now in 'ere.


Koda remained back, her arms crossed over her chest as she watched Ratchet do the final checkup on Optimus. She hoped it was the final one.

The past couple days had been awful, trying to keep a mech who continuously worked himself to the bone and make him rest.

She paced back and forth just behind the worn yellow couch in the kids area. Her eyes remained on the Prime as Ratchet directed him to follow a light. There'd been some worry, of course there was tremendous worry for Koda, when Ratchet had first announced that the Cybonic Plague could have done some damage to Optimus' optic.

Near the hallway, Arcee and Bumblebee stood, also awaiting the results.

As Ratchet took a step back out of the large stasis chamber (I'm just going to say it's that lol) Koda paused her pacing and looked at him expectantly. In her moment of calm, she began to tap her foot anxiously.

"I wouldn't advise anything strenuous, Optimus, but it appears that your systems have fully recovered from the Cybonic Plague," Ratchet confirmed Koda's suspicions.

As the clasps released Optimus he stepped forward resting a servo on Ratchet's shoulder, "Thanks to your medical expertise Old Friend."

Ratchet shrugged off the praise and gestured to Bumblebee, "It was your scout, who braved unknown territory to locate the cure!"

"I just did what I had to do!" Bumblebee exclaimed, trying to take the attention off his shoulders.

"We're just lucky Megatron was still alive," Arcee chimed in.

Optimus took a few steps outside of the stasis chamber and noticed Koda watching him intently, "What is wrong?" He asked quietly, moving towards her.

"You really just said that?!"

"Yeah, I did."

Koda pointed up at the Prime, "Ratchet said nothing strenuous for a few days. I know you're not going to listen."

"I will not be doing strenuous work."

Narrowing her eyes, Koda turned back to Ratchet as he nodded in agreement on Arcee's words, "What matters is that you are on the mend, Optimus, while Megatron..." Optimus, Ratchet and Koda all glanced over at Arcee and Bee questioningly.

Bumblebee shrugged while Arcee replied, "Did my best to finish Megatron's story, only wish I could've stuck around to see how it ended."

Suddenly Bumblebee turned down the hallway, Koda watched carefully but thought that he was merely off to get some recharge.

Turning back to the silo, Koda scoffed when she watched Optimus make his way over to the monitor. He caught her eye and turned away, shuffling over to the large monitor, keeping his optics peeled on the screen.

Knowing that she couldn't stop the Prime from doing his work she wandered over and asked, "What are you up to?"

Optimus narrowed his optics slightly before offering Koda his servo. She slid on and he lifted her to his shoulder where she settled. Her cyan eyes traced over the Cybertronian text as it changed with each character that Optimus added.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now