Chapter Twenty Five

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Nearly 10K long! I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I had fun writing it, it was certainly sommething that I was not used to.

Also, a small spoiler but Koda doesn't like to listen to Tendo XD He gave her orders and well...she disobeyed haha

 .・゜-: ✧☾⚝☽✧ :-゜・.

The morning came slowly, the sun rising above the horizon with a sense of peace filling the air.

Within the Autobot base, outside of the small town of Jasper, Nevada it was quiet and serene, three guardians were out to pick up their charges, while Ratchet worked quietly in the med bay; however, down the hallway tucked inside of Koda's berthroom, rested the two Amanti...

Koda shifted under the bed's covers, her eyes opened slowly and she let out a soft sigh pulling the covers over her head, "It was just a dream..." Then she felt something tug back at the covers slightly, followed by a small grumble. Immediately she moved to turn, pausing as she felt a hand hold her in place.

Looking down anxiously, Koda moved to touch the grey servo resting on her stomach. Upon touching the familiar servo she couldn't help hide the small smile that crept onto her face as it intertwined with her flesh hand, "It's early," An all too familiar baritone voice whispered softly.

"Your back," Koda sighed, relieved as she turned over to face Optimus' mass displaced form. He gazed at her softly, his optics blinking slowly as he woke from a long needed recharge.

Gingerly he pulled her closer, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before meeting her eyes, "I am."

"I thought it was a dream..."

Optimus smiled softly, gently moving Koda's flesh hand to rest upon his Sparkchamber, his own servo atop hers, "It was not a dream, Little Bear, I am back thanks to you," He explained, watching Koda as she felt his Spark beating steadily, "A little worse for wear, but alive."

"That is all I could have wished for Optimus."

Then Koda looked to her right, her phone vibrated on the bedside table, and a number appeared on the screen. Pushing herself upright, Koda picked up, "Who is this?" She grumbled through the phone.

"Thank god you picked up!"

Immediately Koda was on her feet, eyes wide in shock, "Tendo?! How did you–"

"Listen, Stacker he's...I don't know what's happened but he's gone crazy. Your father-"

Koda frowned, grumbling, "He is not my father Ten..."

"Sorry," The Jaeger technician apologised before continuing, "Silas came out talking some nonsense about these giant living robots! Then he started talking about some failed attempt to control one, but you were in the mix, God those two are going insane! There's no way in Hell giant robots aside from our Jaegers, your Gipsy, are on earth, they probably don't even exist!"

Koda looked back towards Optimus as he rose out of the bed, resting his servos on the small of his back as he stretched his rather tense backstruts, groaning in relief as the tension was released, "Yeahhh...That sounds pretty crazy eh," She ran a hand through her hair carefully, turning her attention back to her comrade, "What's this with Silas and Pentecost?"

"Like I said, Silas came out here speaking about those giant robots, and managed to get Stacker on board with wanting to find one of them. It's like Silas wants to be one at this point. Stacker is helping. These men came in the other day, carrying a bunch of random machinery, I haven't been able to get close enough to take a good look at everything but...Koda, I don't know what to do. Without you or Herc and Chuck, I"m a sitting duck."

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now