Chapter Twenty Four

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Sorry for the delay between chapter postings! Exams are coming up and with classes coming to an end I am putting school above my books. Though I will be letting you know that I have started on another chapter for W&M Origins: Aries this past week. So be on the lookout for that too! I hope you enjoy this chapter :D

*I don't think there is swearing in this one...should be clear here*

 .・゜-: ✧☾⚝☽✧ :-゜・.

Not a week has passed since Optimus has disappeared, and the near rising of Unicron.

"No..." Koda sighed, resting on the still slightly warm Nevada rock in the clear starry night, "You've just...forgotten who you are."

She breathed out slowly, icy blue eyes tracing the night sky for the known constellations of the summer. But that only lasted for so long, soon she was drifting off in her own mind, fighting the demons that threatened to take over her if she dared to close her eyes and fall into a pitiful form of rest.

She'd been having dreams about Unicron's arising...though she hadn't been in the core of the titan, she had clearly been able to imagine it. The darkness of the caverns, the pounding of the Chaos Bringers Spark, echoing through each cavern...The Terracons sent to destroy the Autobots and Decepticon Warlord, a futile attempt on Unicron's part. Though, each time they reached the end of that dreaded hallway, so close to ending the Chaos Bringer's rising...A ginormous, mutated beast would arise from the depths below, taking the lives of each Cybertronian, till there was nothing left. Aside from their broken, bent frames laying in the rumble.

The beast was constantly changing, and was often closed around a musky shadow of smoke. The only parts Koda was ever able to make out was its glowing purple eyes, that glew in the dimly lit cavern, it's claws, which left jagged gashes in the metallic rock and limp frames, it's roars and growls were similar to that of a kaiju...Only, each time she took a step forward, the world around her would shrink and crumble, sending her into a dark abyss, only for her to wake, alone in her room. Sebastian had already broken down the door to make sure Koda was okay. Though the Cybercat often lingered in Optimus' empty berthroom, curled up on the well made berth, as though waiting for the mech to return.

Sebastian had also been looking for the Prime, searching each and every room, crack, or space in the base, only to come up with nothing. This usually ended with him howling in the midst of the night, waking some of the Bots'. They would attempt to console the Cybercat, but he simply ignored them, continuing to howl and meow in the Prime's empty room.

After some time, Koda had managed to get the cat to fall into recharge, leaving her to traverse the quiet base alone. That then led to her wandering up to the top of the base, where she now resided, her mind lost within the stars above...

She glanced down, eyes landing on the two dog tags sitting on her chest, her name, year of deployment, blood type, and her mothers name engraved on both worn silver tags. Sitting an inch higher up on her chest, Koda gently grabbed the glowing blue crystal, observing its consistent, gentle pulses. Lifting it up, she cradled it in her hand, the soft glow illuminating her irises. A gentle tug at the edge of her mouth moved her lips up into a soft smile, "We'll get you back, we just need to find that space bridge Optimus," Koda curled her fingers around the small sliver of his Spark, the soft steady glow fading till only a few hints remained, peeking through her fingers, "We'll get you back soon, I promise."

"You seem oddly optimistic."

Koda jumped, sitting up she tucked the crystal back under her shirt. Turning around she met Ratchet, the red and white mech wandered over to where the woman was sitting and took a seat on the ground. Koda grimaced slightly as his joints protested ever so slightly.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now