Chapter Five

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I am having an amazing time picking out songs for chapters XD Paul Brandt's Convoy is one that I feel Optimus would have put on if it were just him hauling the DINGUS. It's  just a good song too okay, and hey! It fits the chapter and episode 😆

Get ready for some whacky driving, and a shooketh Bot XD

Also, I won't constantly follow episodes, just the ones I deem necessary to be a part of the timeline. And yes...Sick Mind is a part of that :'). So don't worry about the heavy episode related chapters, just a part of the shabang. 


With the newly given information, Optimus returned to base. Surprised to see the slightly battered frame of Wheeljack.

Ratchet kindly pulled the Prime aside and explained the situation. How Wheeljack had indeed been ambushed and captured, then replaced by Makeshift. Had the Prime already been on edge, his frame stiffened even more, his optics trailing over to the mech. Though Ratchet quickly assured him that the real Wheeljack took care of the imposter.

After a quick greeting, the Prime had gone up to the top of the base. In the distance he could make out the helicopter which held Agent Fowler. The sky was dark and the green and lights were the only thing that the mech could make out, aside from the constant sound radiating from the machine.

When the man landed, he hopped out of the helicopter, holding a folder in his right hand.

"What seems to be the issue now Agent Fowler?' Optimus asked, kneeling down to speak with the human easier.

The man huffed, "Experimentation. A whole ton of it. And MECH seems to have fallen off the grid, no traces of them anywhere."

The mech's optical ridges furrowed, "What kind of experimentation?"


Stacker opened the door of the hangar, which lay in the middle of nowhere.

Silas chuckled as he saw the man, "Stacker! What a surprise. It is good to see you, my friend."

The two shook hands as many masked men moved around behind them. The dim lights of the hangar offered little sight to show the operation. Pentecost glanced around the best he could and pulled a vial from his jacket, "Will this be enough? That's all I could scrape off the rust bucket."

With swift hands, Silas snatched the glass vial and inspected it carefully before nodding, "You are giving her higher doses correct?"

Stacker nodded.

"Any new changes?"

"Amnesia has increased. Though with some persuasion, she can recollect past missions and happenings. Though she thoroughly knows her purpose. Stamina has increased, she is able to return from a mission and train for hours before her energy is exerted."

"Excellent," Silas walked over to a scientist and handed him the vial, Stacker following behind, "Thea never knew the potential of that kid. It was a shame to see her perish, but Koda was becoming too attached, too much like her mother."

"Is that so bad?"

"Yes!" The male shouted, no one budging from their duty in the hangar, "She is meant to follow in my footsteps."

Fumes seemed to come off of the man, Stacker took a few steps back just to be safe. After a moment the man took a breath.

"We have our sights set on a device, a Dynamic Nuclear Generation System. In short, a power source. We may require some heavy lifting," His eyes glinted in the dim light.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now